Vegetable Seeds

Cultivating vegetables in a home garden is a profoundly rewarding endeavour that brings an array of benefits. First and foremost, the joy of harvesting fresh, home-grown produce is unmatched – the flavours are vibrant, and the nutritional value is at its peak.

Beyond the culinary perks, home gardening promotes a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, reducing the carbon footprint associated with commercial agriculture and transportation.

Gardening also provides an excellent opportunity for physical activity and stress relief, connecting individuals with nature and the therapeutic aspects of tending to plants.

Moreover, having a home garden fosters a sense of self-sufficiency, allowing individuals to take control of their food sources and make informed choices about pesticide and fertilizer use.

The educational aspect is invaluable, especially for children, as they learn about the life cycle of plants and the importance of environmental stewardship.

Ailsa Craig - 14RG

Ailsa Craig - 14RG

Details   An old variety, very popular in the UK originating from Scotland in 1908. Named after the island.Ailsa Craig near the mouth of the Clyde river. A vigorous grower with good disease resistance, medium size and good flavour.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Amaranth - Pygmy Torch - 276RS

Amaranth - Pygmy Torch - 276RS

Details   Sow on surface of trays in spring and plant out after danger of frost have passed. Plant into manure enriched soil. This is stunning in the garden with beautiful deep red leaves. Seeds are tiny and they are delicious popped.
Botanical name   Amaranthaceae
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   100 +
Price per packet   $4.50
Asparagus - Pacific Purple - 82RW

Asparagus - Pacific Purple - 82RW

Details   A purple variety that is sweeter and less fibrous than green asparagus. Takes three years for the crowns to grow large enough before harvesting, though a small amount of light picking can be done in the second year. Seed needs 18 to 23deg for germinating, once seedling first shows itself transplant into its own 2L pot and plant out into its permanent about 12 months later, never let the first seedling spear get frosted till fully in leaf.
Botanical name   Asparagus officinalis
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   seed renewed yearly
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 2 in stock   Order

Austrian Hulless - 246CMK

Details   This variety of pumpkin is mainly grown for its seeds to be eaten as is or pressed for oil, seeing they’re Hulless you can eat them straight from the pumpkin or soak in water for a few days before drying to store in your pantry or freezer. Sew when the weathers warmed up with no chance of a late frost.
Botanical name   Cucurbitaceae pepo
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Bean Feast - dwarf - 40NS

Bean Feast - dwarf - 40NS

Details   Flavourful, flat podded, white-seeded bean, one of the best flavoured dwarf bean cultivar that Nev saved from oblivion in 1974 and has grown ever since.
Botanical name   Phaseolus Vulgaris
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
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Black Krim - 75SS

Black Krim - 75SS

Details   Black Krim Tomato is an heirloom tomato originating from Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula. "Krim" is the Russian word for Crimea. This tomato is open-pollinated, and bears large flattened globe fruits that are dark reddish-purple to black with green/brown. A very good producing plant.
Propagation: Sow seeds in seed raising mix in Spring, prick out once 2 true leave appear.

Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2022
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 3 in stock   Order

Black Mini Popping corn - 254ALB

Details   Black mini popping corn is Hulless so no getting them stuck in your teeth, they pop white, they are low growing cobs grow to 6 cm in length. plant in blocks for better pollination, avoid growing near other corn to avoid cross pollination. The drier the kernel the better they pop. Heirloom
Botanical name   Zea Mays
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Grower name   Alice Le Brun
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Bloody Butcher - 305ALB

Bloody Butcher - 305ALB

Details   Bloody Butcher corn is a dry corn producing beautiful rich red cobs that are quite large. These plants grow very tall, can be over 3 meters, this should be kept in mind when planting - you don't want them getting blown over in strong winds or shading out your tomato crop. The corn can be eaten fresh in the "milk stage" or left to fully mature where it has a multitude of uses from milling to make flour or cornmeal to brewing and is even used as an ornamental in flower arrangements. Alice like the rest of the Sentinels growers uses only spray free organic methods.
Botanical name   Zea Mays
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Alice Le Brun
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Blue Hopi - Maize - 74RG

Blue Hopi - Maize - 74RG

Details   Hopi maize is also known as Yoeme Blue, Tarahumara Maiz Azul, and Rio Grande Blue, ground it's used to make blue tortilla chips, tortillas, corn soup and cornbread. Hopi Blue grows 1.7m tall
Botanical name   Zea mays
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 8 in stock   Order
Borlotti - 77NS

Borlotti - 77NS

Details   A productive vigorous climber, Long vines that will grow to 6m tall if provided support, ideal as a drying bean. Borlotti are descendants from the original Cranberry beans that originated in Colombia
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 1 in stock   Order
Brandywine Red tomato - 160RG

Brandywine Red tomato - 160RG

Details   Brandywine Red grows vigorous vines with large globe shaped rosy-red fruit, can get up to half a Kg in weight. This American heirloom beefsteak variety is one of the most popular grown in the US.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Only 4 in stock   Order
broad bean- Red seeded - 150RG

broad bean- Red seeded - 150RG

Details   Rick received this bean from the Southern Seed Exchange many years ago and has become his favorite Broad bean for his own personal supply.
Botanical name   Vicia Faba
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
broadbean - El Beano -138NS

broadbean - El Beano -138NS

Details   This broad bean has pure white flowers. The pods enclose beans that are sweet, and which remain green once cooked and are nice eaten raw. Nev selected this cultivar from a random mutation over 35 years ago that he noticed had produced pure white flowers and so over the following years carried on selecting for that trait. he much preferred the flavour and colour.  In colder parts of the South Island and Inland North Island you don't want to sow broad beans between March and and early May. Best sown in spring to early summer.

Open Source Seed Initiative Pledge: You have the freedom to use these OSSI-Pledged seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict others’ use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this Pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives.

Botanical name   Vicia Faba
Date Of Seed Harvest   Nov 2022
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
broadbean - Medbury grex - 38RW

broadbean - Medbury grex - 38RW

Details   This tall line of broad bean can withstand heavy winter frosts as low as -10deg here in the Amuri basin when plants are young, but equally handles the heat as well, will grow mostly unsupported up to 1.5m tall. In colder parts of the South Island and Inland North Island you dont want to sow broad beans between March and early May. If plants are over 10cm tall, heavy frosts will damage or kill them. Plants under this size handle frosts well.
Botanical name   Vicia faba
Date Of Seed Harvest   seed regrown yearly
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   approx 30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order
Broccoli - De Cicco - 170SS

Broccoli - De Cicco - 170SS

Details   De Cicco Broccoli is a traditional Italian heirloom broccoli, producing medium sized delicious main heads followed by a large yield of side shoot spears.
Propagation: Sow De Cicco Broccoli seeds in trays of potting soil in late summer - early winter, plant out when 2nd leaves have developed.

Botanical name   : Brassica oleraceae
Date Of Seed Harvest   2021
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Broccoli - purple sprouting -  242SPH

Broccoli - purple sprouting - 242SPH

Details   This Landrace Purple Sprouting Broccoli has beautiful deep purple florets on good sized green stems. Shoots are sweet and tender. Plants can produce a very large sturdy frame. Sow from mid summer and on wards into autumn. Plants can produce over a long period. Pick the florets when they are small to golf ball sized. Prefers fertile heavy soils.
Botanical name   Brassica Oleracea
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hilltrop
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Broccoli - white - 101NS

Broccoli - white - 101NS

Details   This particular old strain of broccoli takes longer to grow than the modern types while also being a larger plant, so give seedlings a half meter spacing when planting out
Botanical name   Brassica oleracea
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Date Of Seed Harvest   2020
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Brussels Sprout - Darkmar - 102RW

Brussels Sprout - Darkmar - 102RW

Details   Produces large deep green sweet and tasty sprouts over a long period, best sown mid summer for winter picking.
Botanical name   Brassica oleracea
Date Of Seed Harvest   Nov 2022
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Butterbean - 22RW

Butterbean - 22RW

Details   Many of the older gardeners will remember the dwarf butterbean which was very popular in the 60's and 70's. This strain has been grown for over 40 years by a long time home gardener before being given to Richard so as to preserve this heirloom, This bean produces a pale yellow/cream pod in colour that grows to about 15cm in length. The complete pod is eaten although the ends can be trimmed if desired and is wonderful added to salads when small.
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Cabbage - Kalibos - 118RW

Cabbage - Kalibos - 118RW

Details   A pointed cabbage with intense reddish-purple leaves and high sugar content. Sow spring for summer and autumn harvest but preventative care is needed against white butterfly
Botanical name   Brassica oleracea
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2020
Storage Info   Seed stored in freezer
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50

Caigua 1RW

Details   From the cucumber family Caigua suits most areas of New Zealand as it handles cooler weather. The small thumb sized fruit can be used as a gherkin replacement as well as cut up into salads. Can grow to 3m so best to grow up and over some sort of frame work.
Botanical name   Cyclanthera pedata
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Capsicum - Botinecka Zuta - 8RW

Capsicum - Botinecka Zuta - 8RW

Details   This heirloom sweet variety originates from the Balkan region, a Hungarian cheese-type. Medium-late heavy producer of yellow fruit. This is a yellow capsicum is used for paprika and stuffing, can be fully ripened to a deeper orange/red colour. The pods grow to a size of 50mm long by 60mm wide, the plant grows to a height of 60cm.
Botanical name   Capsicum annuum
Date Of Seed Harvest   2019
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed long term stored in freezer
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Capsicum - Czech Beauty - 11NS

Capsicum - Czech Beauty - 11NS

Details   Purple flowers, Purple fruit ripen red. Thumb-sized, they are big on flavour.Sow indoors in early Spring. I now germinate my frost-sensitive species on a purpose-built compost heap, in our glass house. (Capsicums require soil to be 15C. to germinate.) I grow the resulting plants outdoors once the frost danger has diminished. Czech Beauty is a reliable performer, in our Scargill climate, where growing-season temperatures can fluctuate widely.
Botanical name   Capsicum Annuum
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Capsicum - Mini Bell - 211CMK

Capsicum - Mini Bell - 211CMK

Details   An old family heirloom from Ohio USA, this variety grows red, yellow and chocolate capsicum plants produce an abundance of tiny colorful orbs that are easy to grow.
Botanical name   capsicum annuum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Only 7 in stock   Order
Capsicum - Soroksari - 10RW

Capsicum - Soroksari - 10RW

Details   A Hungarian sweet bell pepper that turns from yellow to red when ripe,ideal for stuffing.
Botanical name   Capsicum annuum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50

Capsicum - Sweet Orange - 240CMK

Yellow and Orange peppers tastes a little less sweet than red peppers, crunchy and juicy, grow from medium to large in size. Plant grows to approximately one meter in height, they are part of the night shade family.
Botanical name   Capsicum Annuum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   40 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Carrot - Baby Slenderette - 32NS

Carrot - Baby Slenderette - 32NS

Details   As the name suggests this carrot grows into a small root of about 8-10 cm long. Nev and Sue have selected for the sweetest tasting roots. Their garden doesn't have wild carrots growing anywhere in their district so it would be rare for any white rooted carrot to show up in the seed line.
Botanical name   Daucus carota subsp. sativus
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   60
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 10 in stock   Order
Carrot - Benhorn - 60RW

Carrot - Benhorn - 60RW

Details   This original line of carrot dates back to the late 80's when a long time gardener gave Richard carrot seed that he had grown for most of his life. The name of this carrot had been long forgotten so it was named Benhorn in 2000. It is a large stumpy carrot which has been selected for its sweetness and flavour. This is done by tasting each carrot before being replanted back for flowering and later seed production. To add to Benhorn's genetics two new carrots - St.Valery and Kuroda were used in the 20016-17 season in cross pollinating.

In January 2024 the following carrots were grown and will be added to Benhorn's genetics 2024-25 - Baby Pak, Every season, Manchester Table, Touchon, Express Hybrid, Kuroda Improved and Topweight.
Botanical name   Daucus carota subsp. sativus
Grower name   Richard Watson
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Contains at least   approx 100
Price per packet   $4.50
Celery Elne - 235SPH

Celery Elne - 235SPH

Details   Landrace southern grown Celery Elne, Originally from Kings seeds, Has been on the same spot for 2 years before going to seed and has been a strong producer - I originally planted it for rabbit food and just cut and let regrow before it finally went to seed. Has a lovely flavour and strong stems. Likes alot of moisture
Botanical name   Apium graveolens
Date Of Seed Harvest   autumn 2023
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hiltrop
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Celtuce - 251RW

Celtuce - 251RW

Details   Celtuce is a cultivar of lettuce grown primarily for its thick stem or for its leaves. The stem is usually harvested at a length of around 15cm and a diameter of around 3cm. It is crisp, moist, and mildly flavored, and typically prepared by slicing and then stir frying with more strongly flavoured ingredients. Grow plants about 30cm apart
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Chard - Compactum - 21RW

Chard - Compactum - 21RW

Details   A dark green leaf and with a lighter green stem,

Feed back from a customer living near Katikati, she sowed this variety in Sep 2020 which is still growing March 2022 having not bolted to seed during this time, being a bi-annual it should have run to seed late 2021.
Botanical name   Beta vulgaris
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2019
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed long term stored in freezer
Contains at least   40 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Chard - Tekoa - 23RW

Chard - Tekoa - 23RW

Details   A light green coloured chard with wide white stems.

Seed should become available summer 2024/05
Botanical name   Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Chard, Ford Giant Hook - 169SS

Chard, Ford Giant Hook - 169SS

Details   Ford Giant Hook is a Heirloom standard Silverbeet. It's crinkled leaves are mid green in colour with white veins. The stems are broad white, ideal as a steamed vegetable or in salad as a baby leaf.
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 14-21 days.

Botanical name   beta vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 4 in stock   Order
Cherokee Trail of Tears - 42RW

Cherokee Trail of Tears - 42RW

Details   Between 1838 and 1839 the Cherokee people of the United States were forced to march across the Smoky Mountains to Oklahoma. This winter death march is known as the Trail of Tears as over 4,000 people died making the trip. In 1977 a member of Seed Savers Exchange named Dr. John Wyche from Hugo, Oklahoma, USA donated seeds to there collection. It is thought that his Cherokee ancestors carried this heirloom bean with them on the Trail of Tears. Beans were domesticated in the Americas thousands of years ago and serve as a protein in the diet of humans
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50

Cork Oak

Details   Due to drought there's no seeds for 2024
This particular seed has come off a line of young (25YO) trees that grow in a windy dry part of Canterbury, these 15 trees have grown well thanks to have originated from areas in, Africa, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. In wetter areas of NZ Cork oak wont do well if they sit in standing water for long periods, but overall they should grow well in most areas. Seed only available during late autumn and early winter, hit the watch tab and be emailed when seed to available again
Botanical name   Quercus suber
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $5.50
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cornflower - blue - 268RS

cornflower - blue - 268RS

Details   Bee pollinators love it so it's great for borders of the vege garden. Flowers all summer long.
Botanical name   Centaurea cyanus
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
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Crown Pumpkin - 226CMK

Crown Pumpkin - 226CMK

Details   Crown pumpkin has a bluish/grey skin, with orange flesh. Great for soups, roasts and in baking. Grows well in a drained site
Botanical name   Cucurbits maxima
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Carla Mc Knight
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Only 7 in stock   Order
Crownchestnut - 90aRW

Crownchestnut - 90aRW

Details   A cross between Whangaparoa Crown, Green Chestnut and an unknown very large crown-like pumpkin. This current generation of seed is 6 years into selection and stabilization. It is starting to become quite uniform in both colour, size and taste, though do expect some variation. The idea behind using these three varieties was, green Chestnut had wonderful flavour but thin flesh, Whangaparoa Crown had thick flesh but average to good flavour while the unknown had size. Richard thought combining all three could produce an outstanding new variety. Between 50 -60 plants are grown each year and about 140 fruit harvested. Seed from only the best flavoured, large and thick fleshed fruit are used for breeding over the successive growing seasons.

Botanical name   Cucurbits maxima
Grower name   Richard-Paul
Date Of Seed Harvest   seed refreshed yearly
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Crystal - 109RW

Crystal - 109RW

Details   This climbing bean was given to Richard 2017 under the name 'Crystal', grows to 2 -3 metres tall and produces a black seed.
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order
Cucumber - Poona Kerra - 213SS

Cucumber - Poona Kerra - 213SS

Details   Poona Kerra is an heirloom from India. This cucumber produces creamy light-green fruits with a delicious crisp and juicy taste. Fruit are shaped like a potato with skin turning brown as they ripen.
Botanical name   Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sativus
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2022
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Out of stock

Czar White - dwarf runner 39RW

Details   White flowered, white seeded bush form of the Runner bean, grows to about 40cm tall. Like all dwarf beans they are frost tender. During long periods of wet weather it can be an idea to throw a cover over to shed the rain as beans close to the ground can rot.
Botanical name   Phaseolus coccineus
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2025
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Daniel's Defiance - 53RW

Daniel's Defiance - 53RW

Details   Daniels Defiance is a tall growing bean with seeds a slightly different colour to the standard Runner Bean.
Botanical name   Phaseolus coccineus
Date Of Seed Harvest   2018
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order
Early Gem - 84RW

Early Gem - 84RW

Details   Early Gem is a NZ heirloom corn that Richard continues to select for the number of cobs per plant, the size of the cobs, and the earliest plants that produce ripe seed, grows to about 1.7m tall. Regarded as a semisweet variety while being moderately starchy.
Botanical name   Zea Mays
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   approx 50
Price per packet   $4.50
Egyptian walking tree onions (red)

Egyptian walking tree onions (red)

Details   These are hardy perennial onions that are very prolific. They do best in a well-drained, moist garden bed. Bulbils are best planted from March till Sep.
It is thought that the Egyptian Walking tree onion is a F1 clone, a cross between the Walsh and a standard brown onion, but this has proven to be not the case as is 2015 Richard carried out a breeding project by removing the bulbil and hand pollination, 13 seeds were produced in 2015, from those 13 only 5 seedlings germinated. During that summer the four remaining plants grew and divided giving me 23 new base onions. These were then replanted out separately and it is hoped they will produce more seed. After three generations it was noticed that they were 100% identical to the original clone meaning the Egyptian Walking tree onion is a mutation not a cross.

Sold out for the season, hit the watch tab to receive a notification when its back in stock in 2026
Botanical name   Allium cepa
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   20-30 bulbils
Price per packet   $4.50
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Etollbeet grex - 181RW

Etollbeet grex - 181RW

Details   Photo taken 14/7/2022 of the last 15 remaining beet plants out of around 500 that were chosen for being the healthiest and most productive. These went on to provide the 2022-23 seed crop. Etollbeet is a new cross between Detroit Dark Red, Bulls Blood and a unknown dark red large beetroot given to Richard by a Takaka gardener. Mixing genetics in vegetables produces wide variation in size, shape, colour range as well as tastes, This crossing is also capable of unlocking traits that can go back many generations, this grex seed is something quite different for the home gardener and should be quite interesting to anyone who's a bit experimental.

Seed packets do contain some plant material and varying size seed.

18th July 2024 seed was sown of original Etoillbeet grex as well as - Crosbys Egyptian Flat, Rainbow Blend,Action F1 hybrid, All Sseasons F1, Derwent Globe, Baby Beets, and Cylindra. By sowing in winter this tends to expose plants that want to flower in there first season. Its only those that dont and carry on growing through to the following growing season that end up being used in the next generation grex mix. First year bolters/flowering and any weak plants will be pulled out.
Botanical name   Beta vulgaris
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50

Fennel - Bronze - 271CMK

Details   This is not a building fennel, the green/brown leaves are useful in soups,pickles,roasts,salads and many more culinary dishes. Easy to grow, great for the bees as well and looks pretty intermixed into a veggie garden or cottage garden setting
Botanical name   Foeniculum vulgare
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Fennel - Florence - 86RW

Fennel - Florence - 86RW

Details   Florence fennel is a cool-weather perennial grown as an annual for its swollen leaf bases and edible leaves. When using in salads, the flavour can be improved by slicing the bulb and putting it in a bowl of water and ice cubes in the fridge for an hour.
Botanical name   Foeniculum vulgare
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   40 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Fennel - Sweet/common - 239SPH

Fennel - Sweet/common - 239SPH

Details   Sweet or common fennel is part of the Apiaceae (umbellifers) family, along with carrot, dill, anise, parsley, parsnip, celery and angelica. These plants have umbrella shaped flowers and aromatic flavours and hollow stems. Many are medicinal herbs and attractors of predator insects to the garden. Most of the fennel plant can be used. Fennel has traditionally been used for digestive, endocrine, reproductive, lactation and respiratory systems.
Botanical name   Foeniculum vulgare
Date Of Seed Harvest   Autumn 2023
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hiltrop
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Flax - Variegated New Zealand Green - 274SS

Flax - Variegated New Zealand Green - 274SS

Details   New Zealand Variegated Green Flax, Phormium Tenax has soft light green tips with cream stripes through the center, they can grow 3.5mt x 2mt wide with dark red flower spikes, that the Tui's love. Sometimes, this will grow bigger in the right conditions but being variegated, expect it to be smaller than the green non-variegated flax.
Propagation: Plant NZ Variegated Green Flax seeds in spring undercover in seed raising mix for later outside transplanting.

Botanical name   Phormium tenax variegatum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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GG - 34NS

GG - 34NS

Details   This variety was gifted to Nev which he has now grown for over 20 years. A black hilum forage pea was at the time being exported to India. They have found it to be an ideal pea for making into hummus. Grows about 30-45 cm tall and is quite productive.
Botanical name   Vigna unguiculata
Contains at least   40 seeds
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2022
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Price per packet   $4.50
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Giant Alderman - 57RG

Giant Alderman - 57RG

Details   A tall climber that can get as high as 3m, has large pods and peas, The Alderman pea variety is known to date back to 1893 and was a common site in Victorian kitchen gardens. Its long-cropping time made it ideal for using fresh and any excess crops were dried, stored and used later in the year for soups, stews and other dishes. The Americans have their own version of the Alderman variety which they call the Tall Telephone in honour of Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone.
Botanical name   Pisum sativum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
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Glass Gem Popping Corn - 100CMK

Details   Glass Gem can be grounded into oatmeal, popped or used as a ornament. It is a tall growing plant so choose a sheltered sight, grow in blocks for better pollination, away from other corn to avoid cross pollination. Each plant will grow 3/5 cobs. Give the kernels a chance to dry before popping the less moisture the better they will pop
Botanical name   Zea Mays
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Globe Artichoke - 89RG

Globe Artichoke - 89RG

Details   The immature flower is eaten as a vegetable. The medicinal properties of Globe Artichoke have been known for many years. The leaves were very popular between the 16th and 19th centuries when they were used to stimulate bile flow and for a variety of digestive disorders.
Botanical name   Cynara scolymus
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2020
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order
Golden Light - 214SS

Golden Light - 214SS

Details   Golden Light tomatoes have been tested as having one of the highest levels of Tetra-cis-lycopene, a highly beneficial bioavailable form of lycopene. An orange teardrop fruit this variety is very similar to 'Orange Roma' which is a good producer of tasty Roma style tomatoes. Propagation: Sow Golden Light Tomato seeds directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in well.  Cover with a light layer of mix. Seedlings usually appear in two to three months depending on temperature.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Golden Rod - 292RS

Golden Rod - 292RS

Details   Goldenrod are tall and slim with fluffy golden flower spikes in various shades of yellow. They're attractive when in bloom in the late summer to autumn and are a valuable food source for pollinators, particularly the Monarch butterfly.
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Grandus 115RW

Grandus 115RW

Details   Dates back to the 1870's England.
Needs support to grow up, has large pods. Plant autumn for northern areas, South Island sow spring and summer. Grows up to 2 metres
Botanical name   Pisum sativum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Greek Gigante - 46RW

Greek Gigante - 46RW

Details   Unlike Scarlet Runners they have pure white flowers and huge white seeds. Flowers over a long period and grows up to 3m tall
Botanical name   Phaseolus coccineus
Date Of Seed Harvest   1/3/23
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   25 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Green Grape - 147RG

Green Grape - 147RG

Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   2020
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Greenfeast - 52RW

Greenfeast - 52RW

Details   Original old strain of shell out dwarf pea, mildew can be a problem if sown late summer. Some growing support is ideal for this variety.
Botanical name   Pisum sativum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Haricot dEspagne - 65NS

Haricot dEspagne - 65NS

Details   This French heirloom is a very vigorous white runner bean that grows up to 3-4m Broad pods containing only 2-4 large seeds (15 by 30mm). Good eaten as a green bean as well as a dried bean. Similar bean to Greek Gigante in bean size


Botanical name   Phaseolus coccineus
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Nev and Sue
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   25 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Hopi Yellow Bean - 257SS

Hopi Yellow Bean - 257SS


Hopi Yellow Beans are a high-yeilding tasty, early maturing, pole green bean that can be eaten as a fresh green bean or a dried light yellow/beige bean. From Hopi Indian, also called "grease beans".
Propagate: Plant Hopi yellow bean seeds in spring either inside in trays for later outside transplanting or outside where you wish to grow, watch for slugs and snails.

Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
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Indian Hannah - 80RW

Indian Hannah - 80RW

Details   Indian Hannah is also known as Lenape Cutshort or Delaware Cutshort, this climbing bean produce good yields
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2021
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Ipomoea batatas - Camote

Ipomoea batatas - Camote

Details   Known in South America where is originates as Camote, it is also known here in NZ as as Kumara or Sweet Potato in North America. This widely grown tuber crop is normally grown each year from cuttings.

Camote grown from seed rather than a clone is globally rare. The government funded DSIR back in the 70's or 80's carried out a short trial but for some reason was stopped, this may have been the only Ipomoea batatas seed had grown till 2017 when Richard Paul was gifted some seed from a passionate home gardener/breeder in the US, he then set about starting a long term breeding program with the idea crossing it with a local Kumara.
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Price per packet   $4.50
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Isle of Capris - Duncan Wilson strain - 12RG

Isle of Capris - Duncan Wilson strain - 12RG

Details   A great tomato with history. This tomato is a large fleshy one (up to 600 grams ) ,low in acid with very few seeds. Rick says that out of the 50 plus tomatoes he grows, this is his number one. was given to Duncan by an Italian sailor sometime in the 50's and grown by him for many years and eventually was forgotten. Rick attained just a few old seeds of which only two grew and have a good inventory of seeds
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Italian Valena Bean - 266SS

Italian Valena Bean - 266SS

Details   Italian Valena Beans are a duel-purpose bean variety that can be used as a young green bean or dried bean. The pods are flat and green when young then turn tan with maroon streaks as they mature. The seeds are large, egg-shaped and tan with dark purple/brown streaks. Propagation: Italian Valena Bean seeds can either be placed in a seed raising tray for subsequent transplanting or plant in the garden where to grow.Take 7-14 days to germinate.
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
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Japanese Black Trifele - 19NS

Japanese Black Trifele - 19NS

Details   Pear-shaped fruit that are a strange red/orange/purple colour with very good taste. Strong, vigourous plants, that should be allowed to carry 3 or 4 leaders. So put in several stakes for each plant. Excellent yields.
Botanical name   Lycopersicon esculentum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 10 in stock   Order
Jarriahdale - 156CMK

Jarriahdale - 156CMK

Details   Jarrahdale pumpkin is a heirloom variety, native to Australia, they store well, are a good medium to large size, good flesh and easy to grow
Botanical name   Cucurbita maxima
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Kale - Red Ruffled - 299NS

Kale - Red Ruffled - 299NS

Details   A red on green hues kale with oak leaf ruffled shapes.Very winter hardy and will handle temps as low as -20 deg, does best in soil pH of between 6.1 and 6.5
Botanical name   Brassica napus pabularia
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2018
Storage Info   Seed long term stored in freezer
Contains at least   60
Price per packet   $4.50
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Kale - Red Russian - 309RG

Kale - Red Russian - 309RG

Details   Red Russian kale leaves are tender, sweet and mild when picked young.  The red tinged leaves are a bluish blush making them quite attractive.  The leaves are flat with toothed edges.  Usually grows to about half a metre tall but can reach up to 1m tall with a long stalk if left in the ground with enough time to grow.
Botanical name   Brassica oleracea var. sabellica
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2019
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed long term stored in freezer
Contains at least   30+ seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Kale - Red Ursa - 51RT

Kale - Red Ursa - 51RT

Details   Combines the broadleaf frills of Siberian kale with the colour of Red Russian. Great raw flavour for salads. Bolting purple stems of over wintered plants are very sweet, perfect for stir frying.  

Open Source Seed Initiative Pledge: You have the freedom to use these OSSI-Pledged seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict others’ use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this Pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives.

Botanical name   Brassica napus
Grower name   Richard Tew
Date Of Seed Harvest   2018
Storage Info   Seed long term stored in freezer
Contains at least   60
Price per packet   $4.50
Kale - True Siberian - 310RW

Kale - True Siberian - 310RW

Details   A Siberian type highly productive hardy kale. Tolerates weather and water logged soil better than most other kales. Plants are vigorous and large.
Botanical name   Brassica napus
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2019
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed long term stored in freezer
Contains at least   60
Price per packet   $4.50
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Kanuka - 161RW

Kanuka - 161RW

Details   Kanuka is similar to Manuka but is different plant, it can grow into a tree up to 30 m tall. It grows well on all soil types except water-logged soils, and is tolerant of wind, drought and frost.
Botanical name   Kunzea ericoides
Grower name   Richard Paul
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Contains at least   100 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Karaka - 83RW

Karaka - 83RW

Details   This line of Celery started of as Nutty but was crossed with Utah Giant back in 2012, now a stable line thats less stringy than that of Nutty. Grow year round in warm areas and from Sep till Feb in cooler areas.
Botanical name   Apium graveolens
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2022
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Kascade Korn - 85NS

Kascade Korn - 85NS

Details   The original kascade korn plants commenced life in Scargill, in the early 80s.They grow well in our climate and under our organic regime. They are open pollinated, offering the advantage of you being able to reproduce your own seed for subsequent seasons. They are not as sweet as the super sweet types that people have got used to, but are delicious and very sustaining.
Botanical name   Zea Mays
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Kawakawa - 228SS

Kawakawa - 228SS

Details   Kawakawa is a shrub with knobbly joints and glossy large heart shaped leaves that are a dark green.  Kawakawa leaves are traditionally used to brew herbal remedies, balms, ointments or turned into a poultice and applied to treat skin abrasions and ailments. It is an incredibly medicinal and healing plant in New Zealand. Kawakawa is a coastal and lowland forest tree that prefers moist rich, free-draining soil in a semi-shade to shady position. It will tolerate an open windy situation but is frost tender. Kawakawa will often be found growing beneath the canopy of larger plantings such as pine trees, as the kawakawa plant does not require much light to flourish. Kawakawa produce a berry that turns from green to orange in February/March.
Propagation: Plant Kawakawa seeds in Summer and Autumn in moist seed raising mix, cover lightly and keep moist but not waterlogged in a warm partially shaded place. Seeds may take some time to appear, 6mths.
Botanical name   macropiper excelsum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Kohlrabi - Early Purple Vienna - 105SS

Kohlrabi - Early Purple Vienna - 105SS

Details   Purple Vienna Kohlrabi is an heirloom, open-pollinated variety that is an ideal staple crop for cool-weather gardening. It is one of the easiest and most productive continuous harvests throughout autumn and winter months. Plants grow to 30cm tall and produce edible greens (leaves) in addition to the beautiful purple bulbs. The leaves taste similar to kale greens. Bulbs grow above the soil and have a purple exterior with a white flesh. The texture is crunchy and is excellent prepared raw as a slaw or an addition to salads, these should be harvested at about 7.5cm in diameter. 
Propagation: Sow Purple Vienna Kohlrabi seeds directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in well.  Cover with a light layer of mix.  Seedlings usually appear in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   Brassica oleracea
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Dec 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Kumi Kumi - oblong - 177NS

Kumi Kumi - oblong - 177NS

Details   Kumi Kumi fruit can grow to around 1kg and grow up to 30cm long. Needs plenty of space to grow as its a very rampant creeper. Immature fruit can be eaten as a courgette and tastes great. Once fruit is mature it stores well over winter but has a very hard skin.
Botanical name   Cucurbita pepo
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Lamb's Quarters - Magenta Spreen - 279RS

Lamb's Quarters - Magenta Spreen - 279RS

Details   Lamb's Quarters grows very quickly especially in protected areas or in green houses. Said to be very high in calcium and vitamin K and is eaten much you do with spinac.
Botanical name   Chenopodium album
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Larkspur - 41RS

Larkspur - 41RS

Details   The seeds need to go through a cold period before they'll be able to germinate so place in the fridge for 6 weeks before being sown. Larksur likes a free draining soil but don’t do well in dry and hot conditions, Can be prone to root rot in wet ground.
Botanical name   Delphinium Cassius
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Leek - Perennial Leek - 93RW

Leek - Perennial Leek - 93RW

Details   Forms large clumps of thumb size stems which have a stronger leek flavour than standard leek though they are a bit more finicky when harvesting. Best sown in spring forming clumps by late summer/autumn, if left in the ground through the following winter the clumps will form a mass of corns meaning the perennial leek will become permanent and difficult to eradicate. Some gardeners may prefer its feature while others prefer it as a annual vegetable by insuring its harvested before winter.

Germination testing has shown that this strain of leek to have very poor seed germination because of 200+ years of reproducing from clones, over time the cultivar loses its ability to produce seed much like garlic has become. Richard in 2024 imported a strain of perennial leek which has a high germination strike rate, The US and NZ cultivars will be cross pollinated and this should reinvigorate the local strain meaning larger plants and hopefully better. Breeding work will take until 2026, in the mean time hit the watch tap for email updates
Botanical name   Allium ampeloprasum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.00
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Leek - Portage - 94RW

Leek - Portage - 94RW

Details   A young and still evolving grex/landrace variety been bred by Richard Watson and another Canadian gardener who have been mixing the seed over the last few years, so its really a collection of 15 standard leeks varieties, some grow wide large stems while others can be very tall, this is because of the strong genetic diversity.
Suggested growing method is to aim for a long length white stem of up to 40cm, sow seed late winter/ early spring close enough together aiming for a spacing of 2cm apart, by mid summer the plants should be up to 30cm tall, dig them up trying not to damage the roots too much and place in a bucket with enough water in it to cover the roots. The soil these plants go into needs to be deeply dug over then using a rake or shovel handle poke it down into the soil as deep as 40cm, wriggle it around to make a shaft to which a leek plant is dropped down, then pour a small amount of water down, its just then a matter of insuring that the growth tip can grow up and out of the shaft. The following cultivars were sown late winter 2024 and the best will be used in crossing with the original Portage line. King Richard, King Sieg, Autumn Giant, Lincoln, Bulgarian Giant, Blue De Solaize, Carantan, Lancelot, American Flag, and Mechelen Blue Green Winter,
Botanical name   Allium porrum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stored in freezer
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Leek - Purau - 91RG

Leek - Purau - 91RG

Details   Bred at Purau Gardens for many years and had adapted well to the coastal climate, this strain of leek may well suit warmer areas of NZ. Its a cross between three well known NZ varieties including Musselburgh. Suggested growing method is to aim for a long length white stem of up to 40cm, sow seed late winter/ early spring close enough together aiming for a spacing of 2cm apart, by mid summer the plants should be up to 30cm tall, dig them up trying not to damage the roots too much and place in a bucket with enough water in it to cover the roots. The soil these plants go into needs to be deeply dug over then using a rake or shovel handle poke it down into the soil as deep as 40cm, wriggle it around to make a shaft to which a leek plant is dropped down, then pour a small amount of water down, its just then a matter of insuring that the growth tip can grow up and out of the shaft
Botanical name   Allium porrum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2021
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Arabic - 282RW

Lettuce - Arabic - 282RW

Details   A very fast growing tall lettuce with long wide leaves, cos type.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   2022
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Cooptown Italian - 182RG

Lettuce - Cooptown Italian - 182RG

Details   A heritage variety that was brought into NZ by a returning WW2 soldier and has been grown in and around Cooptown, Banks Peninsula since. A great tasty green leafy lettuce.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2022
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Devils Ears - 28RW

Lettuce - Devils Ears - 28RW

Details   A lettuce with good heat tolerance, has a nutty texture and bitter-free flavour.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Mescher - 24RW

Lettuce - Mescher - 24RW

Details   An heirloom that dates back to the 1700s in Austria A fast-hearting spring type, green with red-tinged leaves, and small very dense heads.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Red Oakleaf - 284RW

Lettuce - Red Oakleaf - 284RW

Details   Has burgundy red leaves and is a loose-leaf non hearting lettuce cultivar
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce, Drunken Woman - 205SS

Lettuce, Drunken Woman - 205SS

Details   Drunken Woman is an Italian heirloom lettuce that produces bright green leaves with ruffled edges in a deep bronze color.  It is a popular lettuce to grow for beginner gardeners because it is very easy to grow and slow to bolt.
Propagation: Best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2022
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Lettuce, Freckles - 172SS

Lettuce, Freckles - 172SS

Details   A semi-cos heirloom variety with attractive light green leaves covered in red freckles. Lettuces are normally a cool weather crop that is easy to grow and grows quickly. Best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.
Botanical name   lactuca sativa
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce, Rocket - 187SS

Lettuce, Rocket - 187SS

Details   Rocket is a lettuce native to the Mediterranean region, Rocket is used as a leaf vegetable in salads, it is known for its fresh and peppery flavor.
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   brassica vesicaria
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2021
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Lobella - 47NS

Lobella - 47NS

Details   Lobella, is yellow and hollow very like a capsicum to look at. It is a delicious cooking tomato, which can be stuffed and baked or baked only. It is a low acid tomato and a good cropper. It was bought from a NZ seed company originally but they no longer stock it.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Long Island Cheese Squash - 245CMK

Long Island Cheese Squash - 245CMK

Details   Thought to be one of the oldest domesticated squash types, Long Island Cheese is known for its smooth, string less flesh and rich flavour
Botanical name   Cucurbita pepo
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Long Keeper - 20RW

Long Keeper - 20RW

Details   As the name suggests this tomato has a slow ripening fruit that keeps well into winter, a close relative to Burpee Long keeper. This is a tomato that i like to start mid summer and pick green late autumn so they slowly ripen through the winter. A mid size, dark red skinned tomato that is red inside during summer but has darker red during the cooler months.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2025
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Love Lies Bleeding - 259RS

Love Lies Bleeding - 259RS

Details   Also known as velvet flower, foxtail amaranth tassel flower and pendant amaranth. it is a short-lived frost-tender plant, popular in summer bedding displays. It's easy to grow and bears showy, tassel-like crimson flowers, contrasting with fresh, green leaves.
Botanical name   Amaranthus caudatus
Contains at least   30 seeds
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Price per packet   $4.50
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Lychnis - Coroaria Alba - 293SPH

Lychnis - Coroaria Alba - 293SPH

Details   Lychnis coronaria has striking white flowers. Prefers a well-drained soil in full sun. It self-seeds readily. Rich nectar and pollen and a good bee attractor. Also comes in cerise pink, dark pink and white with pink centre.
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Maize - Billard - 122RW

Maize - Billard - 122RW

Details   Gifted to Richard from a long time gardener who wanted his strain of maize to carry on. It produces kennels larger than other varieties of maize so can be too large for some hand grinders. Plants grow to about 2m tall and generally produce one cob per plant, some plants can produce two but these cobs tend to be smaller.
Botanical name   Zea mays
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Maize - Sola - 79NS

Maize - Sola - 79NS

Details   The maize Sola is the name given to it by Nev, is was derived from an old maize that was commercially available back in the early 1970s when he first began growing it. Both Sue and Nev have a long history together, as plant and grower. It has changed during that lengthy association and now looks as if the sun is shining out of it. They use it principally in ground form for making what we regard as a very sustaining porridge (cooked with milk); rich and filling. Customers have also used it to create polenta and it seems to perform well used this way. Although the seed from which the original crop was grown from was possibly a hybrid (even back then) it is no longer so, and reliably produces consistent crops.
Botanical name   Zea mays
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Mangelbeet - 66RW

Mangelbeet - 66RW

Details   Best eaten when small, while still sweet. Larger roots can be used as animal feed. Sow in early spring in colder areas, year round in northern NZ. They can bolt to seed if sown too early.
Botanical name   Beta vulgaris
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Richard Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   approx 50
Price per packet   $4.50
Marmande - 58RG

Marmande - 58RG

Details   A French Heirloom very popular in Northern Italy with great pest and disease resistance. Fast growing producing early season fruit . Harvest 12-14 weeks from sow
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Millet - foxtail - 247RS

Millet - foxtail - 247RS

Details   Foxtail Millet is the second-most widely planted species of millet, It is mild and slightly sweet in flavour and can be both light and fluffy or crunchy when fried. millet is propagated from seeds, they can be started inside in trays 45 days before frost and hardened to the cooler weather. It is fast-growing and will take only 60 days for the plant to go from seed to flower.
Botanical name   Setaria italica
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   150
Price per packet   $4.50
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Mini strawberry Popping corn - 91bCMK

Details   Heirloom variety, this variety is a shorter plant producing small rich red popcorn cobs that resemble the shape of a strawberry, for better germination grow on blocks instead of rows, I plant in pairs to reduce the amount of space needed approximately 40/50cm apart either directly into soil or in seed trays plant when weather has warmed up, protect from snails and birds when the shoots first appear. * allow kernels to dry properly before popping the less moisture the better they pop
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Mugwort - 26RS

Mugwort - 26RS

Details   Mugwort is a perennial herb with a long history and is part of the (daisy) family. Can grow to 2m tall and is highly valued by bees.
Botanical name   Artemesia vulgaris
Date Of Seed Harvest   2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50

Musquee de Provence - 114CMK

Details   Originates from France, can grow from 5 - 15 kg and stores well, thin skinned so can be peeled as well. Are green when younger mature to a rich brown colour, (can be different shades of colour depending on how much light they are exposed to). A very nice pumpkin to grow
Botanical name   C. moschata
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Nev's TPS - 136NS

Nev's TPS - 136NS

Details   You won't have met many people who have propagated potatoes by any other than vegetative means; in other words from tubers from the previous crop. You may have noticed though, that some potato plants produce flowers. Still fewer of these plants go on to develop and mature small greenish fruits. They look tomato-like and contain a stiff "pulp" holding many small white seeds. These seeds can be encouraged to germinate and with some care will grow into small plants that are easily recognized as miniature potato plants. Even from a relatively early stage when they may only be 100mms tall, differences will be discernible between these individuals. They truly are individuals. They may not all prosper. They will each possess their own degree of disease resistance and vigour. As a propagator you will be rewarded, by those that flourish, with crops of distinctly unique potato tubers; diverse in both form, colour, flavour, texture, maturity and keeping qualities. This is a pursuit I have been involved in for at least 20 years. It is an exciting enterprise (if you are a potato Nerd!), and can result in the coming into being of very worthwhile, totally new, delicious cultivars that you can then continue into the future via the usual system of growing from tubers. But don't forget to keep seed from the best of them and continue the exploration of potatoes from true seed.
Botanical name   Solanum tuberosum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   100
Price per packet   $4.50
Nigella sativa - 71RS

Nigella sativa - 71RS

Details   Nigella are hardy annuals that grow from 15 to 60 cm in height.
It is best to sow Nigalla sativa seeds once a month from just before the last frost of spring until early summer, and then once again towards the end of autumn. This will result in a prolonged blooming period
Botanical name   Nigella sativa
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Novella - 54RW

Novella - 54RW

Details   A hyper tendril shell out dwarf pea ,selected over the last 20 years to produce pods over a longer period, tendrils cling together holding the plant upright but some staking is needed .
Botanical name   Pisum sativum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2020
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stored in freezer
Contains at least   40 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Onion - Brown mass grex cross - 36RW

Onion - Brown mass grex cross - 36RW

Details   This is a cross between Pukekoke Long Keeper and Mammoth Improved onion carried out in 2023-24. Second stage of this breeding project will see sowing of this first cross along side original Pukekoke Long Keeper and Mammoth Improved seed to insure good genetic mixing. The idea of this cross was to mix the keep ability of the Pukekoke Long Keeper and the production of the Mammoth Improved.

When growing seed from this early cross expect diversity in type.

The following cultivars were sown late winter for the 2024/25 growing season, these will be added to this genetic mass pollination
New York Early, Fehmel Steig, Franzisco, Maria Nagy's Transylvanian Yellow, Newburg, Sweet Spanish Golorade, Texas Early Grano, Australian Brown, Yellow of Purma, Cipollini, Walla Walla, Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish, Ailsa Craig.
Botanical name   Allium cepa
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   100
Price per packet   $4.50
Onion - Mammoth improved - 231RW

Onion - Mammoth improved - 231RW

Details   A super sized onion which is still sweet considering its size. This variety is one grown in the UK for competitions and can grow as heavy as 5 kgs. Seed was imported from the UK 2019 and one generation has been grown by Richard. It is a tasty onion but not a great keeper.

Sow seed early spring in the South Island, North Islanders may be able to sow autumn through winter as well, feedback from customers would be appreciated

Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Onion - Medbury Red Longkeeper - 35RW

Onion - Medbury Red Longkeeper - 35RW

Details   History knowledge of this onion is limited, was originally given to koanga by a ex-breeder from Yates, unsure it came with a name. The selection work carried out by Richard on this large red onion strain involves, 1, aiming to achieve the longest growing season possible by sowing seed late winter and harvesting when tops start to fall over late summer early autumn. 2, the best of that seasons onions are stored in autumn, some of these onion will grow shoots through winter meaning they are discarded, its the last to start growing a green shoot in early spring are then planted out for flowering/seed. 3, selecting on the shape of onion - Richard is trying to move away from flatter type shape to more of a round or even taller upward torpedo shape. the idea is that less of the onion is sitting on the soil surface.

Sow seed early spring in the South Island, North Islanders may be able to sow autumn through winter as well, feedback from customers would be appreciated

Botanical name   Allium cepa
Date Of Seed Harvest   2021
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Onion - Red Bunching - 76SS

Onion - Red Bunching - 76SS

Details   Red Bunching Onion is an Evergreen red-skinned bunching Onion, grown and used in the same way as white Welsh Onions. Plants grow 70-75cm high, and 1.5-2cm in diameter, and have a mild sweet taste. This variety makes a welcome addition to any salad or culinary display with its bright red attractive stalks. Plant from early spring through to early autumn.  Maturity 120 days from direct sowing.
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow in a line or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14days.

Botanical name   Allium fistulosum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Dec 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Onion - Walsh - 37RG

Onion - Walsh - 37RG

Details   The true bunching onion is a perennial that does not form a bulb. Bunching onions are strong and enduring once established, they can supply a sharp and delicious punch of flavour to your cooking, year after year.
Botanical name   Allium fistulosum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2019
Storage Info   Seed long term stored in freezer
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Onward - 55RW

Onward - 55RW

Details   Another name is Marrowfat pea (if dried also used for mushy or wasabi peas) that produces thick blunt pods filled with 6-8 peas.  Matures in around 75 days.  Needs some staking to add some support.
Botanical name   Pisum sativum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
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Orach - green - 256RS

Orach - green - 256RS

Details   Often called mountain spinach which is used as you would do spinach. Pests seem to leave this alone. Grows to around 1.7m
Botanical name   Atriplex hortensis
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
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Oregon Giant Sugar Pod - 138aRW

Oregon Giant Sugar Pod - 138aRW

Details   The Oregon Sugar Pod Snow Pea produces a large crop of sweet sno peas on 1/2 - 1m tall vines. The pods are about 100 cm long. Like other sno peas they are generally resistant to powdery mildew.  Can take up to 68 days to mature and likes to be sown somewhere with full sun. Can be sown during winter in northern areas of NZ, but generally a spring/ summer sown crop in the south.
Botanical name   Pisum sativum
Date Of Seed Harvest   2018
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stored in freezer
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Only 7 in stock   Order
Oregon Spring - 97RG

Oregon Spring - 97RG

Details   Semi-Indeterminate - An early ripening tomato that produces mid to large size fruit,
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Pak Choi, Kwang Moon - 188SS

Pak Choi, Kwang Moon - 188SS

Details   Pak Choi or Bok Choy is a Chinese cabbage native to Hong Kong and Southern China. Ideal in stir-fries, soups or salads. Pak Choi is a cool weather crop that is easy to grow. It grows quickly and can be grown during winter in areas that see little or no frosts, doesn't do so well in summer as it tends to bolt. 
Propagation: Pak Choi Seeds are best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   brassica campestris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
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Parsnip - Hollow Crown - 63RG

Parsnip - Hollow Crown - 63RG

Details   The Hollow Crown dates back to the early 1820s. A long tapered white root that has been grown and selected by Rick for over twenty years. If you wish to grow this long rooted parsnip, you will need deep soil that is stone free. If parsnips hit a stone while growing they tend to fork. They grow best in a light, deep rich soil. A generous amount of compost or humus in some other form helps develop a long edible root. Parsnip is notoriously difficult to grow for many gardeners because of parsnip seeds short lifespan, so to help with good germination all our parsnip seed is grown each year meaning seed is no more than 12 months when sold.
Botanical name   Pastinaca sativa
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   approx 60
Price per packet   $4.50
Parsnip - Kralcrown - 61RW

Parsnip - Kralcrown - 61RW


Kraslcrown is the result of a cross pollination carried out by Richard in 2010 between Hollow crown and Kral, hence the name Kralcrown. 

The key to growing parsnips is using fresh seed. Many gardeners say they have no luck growing parsnips which is normally because of using old seed. Parsnip seed only remains viable for two years at room temperature. Sentinels parsnip seed is regrown every year meaning it should give great germination results.

Botanical name   Pastinaca sativa
Contains at least   approx 100
Grower name   Richard Watson
Price per packet   $4.50
Pean bean (white) - 44NS

Pean bean (white) - 44NS

Details   Peans are a great all rounder with many uses. The plants climb just like a runner bean or climbing french bean and produce flat pods similar to a large mangetout pea. The pods can be picked young and used whole as a french bean or left on the plants to mature and shelled like peas, or they can be left to mature fully and dry and then used as any other dried beans. New seasons seed will be available again as soon a possible
Botanical name   Vigna unguiculata unguiculata
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Nev and Sue
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
pepper - Trinidad Moruga Scorpion - 171RW

pepper - Trinidad Moruga Scorpion - 171RW

Details   Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is regarded as the third hottest pepper in the world at 1.2 million Scoville heat units. A small fruit that comes in red and yellow.
Botanical name   capsicum chinense
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   10
Price per packet   $4.50
Pepper, Wild Fire - 206SS

Pepper, Wild Fire - 206SS

Details   Wild Fire Chili is a hot chili that is a very heavy producer, the chilies have a medium thick, dark green flesh that ripens to a bright red. A bushy upright plant that loves warm sunny positions. Can be planted in patio tubs or into the garden/greenhouse.  A basket of Wildfire Chilies are hot! rated 80,000 on the Scoville scale.
Propagation: Sow Wild Fire Chili seeds from September to October in seed raising mix, transplant out (undercover) in October to November, seeds should germinate in 14-21 days.

Botanical name   capsicum annuum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Perennial Sweet pea - 126RW

Perennial Sweet pea - 126RW

Details   Originally native to Southern Europe, this perennial long-lived plant is best where it can remain. Perennial Sweet Peas are not noticeably fragrant. Comes in two shades of colours.
Botanical name   Lathyrus latifolius
Date Of Seed Harvest   seed refreshed yearly
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
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Pohutukawa - Dwarf Tahitian - 120CMK

Details   Grow in full sun or part shade in well drained soil or in a large pot. Occasionally prune to keep it a nice shape, produces beautiful flowers that last a long time, has attractive pastel grey leaves which are a nice contrast with the flowers. Attractive in courtyard and patio’s or near the house, does well in coastal conditions. Can handle light frosts, grows to approximately 1 x 1 m preferred well drained soils
Botanical name   Metrosideros tahitian
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Storage Info   Seed has been frozen stored
Contains at least   100+
Price per packet   $4.50
Pumpkin - Rouge Vif d'Etampes - 208CMK

Pumpkin - Rouge Vif d'Etampes - 208CMK

Details   This pumpkin is an old French heirloom, moderately sweet, easy to grow. Plant in the spring, maturity is 95 - 105 days. Also known as the Cinderella pumpkin.
Botanical name   C. maxima
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Date Of Seed Harvest   2021
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Purau large red - 30RG

Purau large red - 30RG

Details   A very tasty large beefsteak type, good cropper.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Purau Sweet Cherry - 99RG

Purau Sweet Cherry - 99RG

Details   A productive tasty, very sweet, cherry, red tomato, early to produce fruit. Vigorous grower. Has been a favorite of Ricks for over 30 years.
Botanical name   Lycopersicon esculentum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Queensland Blue Pumpkin - 225CMK

Queensland Blue Pumpkin - 225CMK

Details   Australian heirloom pumpkin, deep bluish green in colour with deep ribbing, sweet orange flesh, can also eat the skin.
Botanical name   Cucurbits maxima
Contains at least   30
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Price per packet   $4.50
Only 8 in stock   Order
Radish - Black Spanish 'round' - 62RW

Radish - Black Spanish 'round' - 62RW

Details   A large black skin, white flesh, winter radish, though this radish carries a recessive gene that produces a white skin as well. They can get to dinner plate size while still remaining mild tasting. Recommended not to sow before March in the South Island and April in the north as they can bolt to flower before growing its swollen stem.
Botanical name   Raphanus sativus
Date Of Seed Harvest   2017
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Radish - Chinese Red Meat - 125SS

Radish - Chinese Red Meat - 125SS

Details   Chinese Red Meat Radish is a heirloom variety that hails from China. A mild radish with a slightly peppery bite, it has a white and green skin but the centre is rich pink, sure to add a delightful colour to any salad.
Sow seeds in the ground where you intend to grow, cover with a fine layer of soil.

Botanical name   Raphanus sativus
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2021
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Radish - Qingluobo - 104RW

Radish - Qingluobo - 104RW

Details   Known also as Green Luobo . This is a unique radish that is sweet, crispy and slightly hot. It has green flesh. The skin is green with a white tip. Sow in spring, for summer, as it won't winter over where there are hard frosts.
Botanical name   Raphanus sativus
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Richard Watson
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Radish - spring Grex cross  - 96RW

Radish - spring Grex cross - 96RW

Details   A new breeding project by Richard that involved gathering seed from many different summer radishes as possible, this mass cross grex was sown Jan 2024 which consisted of the following - French Breakfast, Scarlet Finger, Sparkler, Cherry Belle, Mila and Pink Beauty.

Photo shows the results of this first cross pollination
Botanical name   Raphanus sativus
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2025
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Red Giant - 2RW

Red Giant - 2RW

Details   Large strain of perennial celery producing red stalks and pinkish yellow blanched hearts, looks good in raw salads. Stronger tasting than green celery, good for soups and stews. Handles winter frosts better than standard celery varieties, though in heavy frost areas the stems are not eatable during these periods .  
Botanical name   Apium graveolens var. dulce
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Regal Lily - 149RW

Regal Lily - 149RW

Details   Photo was from the 2021 crop.

Richard was fortunate to be given two bulbs from an old strain of highly fragrant Regal Lily that produces compact flower heads that all open at about the same time. All bulb production will be grown from seed and not from cloning scales or splitting up of the bulbs. He will be able to do selective breeding from the best performing plants.
Botanical name   Lilium regale
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Rhubarb - 162RW

Details   Rhubarb is is a rhizomatous perennial, really easy to grow from seed and is quite vigorous growing. The plants that this seed came from were themselves seed grown. Plants love well-rotted organic matter mulched around them. Sow seed in a seed raising in small pots and plant out once seedling are 10cm tall
Botanical name   Rheum x hybridum
Date Of Seed Harvest   seed refreshed yearly
Grower name   Richard Watson
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
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Richards mix- 129RW

Richards mix- 129RW

Details   In this mix of seed are varieties that mostly throw to the purple and purple/white fleshed, some white and red can be expected also. Seed can be sown in autumn then transfer the tiny seedlings to pots and grow through winter in a frost free area, In areas that get frosts even green houses can freeze inside. Springtime plant out and allow each of these new varieties to grow till their tops die down late in the season, then its a matter of digging up each plant and assessing which plant has produced the best yield and for desirable shape and colours. The first year tubers are not always the largest but instead its normally when they are replanted in the second season that they will produce far greater yield. It's worth remembering that new TPS cultivars are virus free. Red Rascal and Rua seed is the latest to be added to Richards potato gene pool
Botanical name   Solanum tuberosum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   100
Price per packet   $4.50

Rockmelon - Amish - 232CMK

Details   Smaller in size so doesn’t require as long a summer to grow unlike the bigger ones, plant in rich soil in direct sunlight once frost’s have passed.
fruit grows to 20 cm across 3 kg in weight, flesh is orange.
Disease resistant
Botanical name   Cucumis melo
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Roma - 379RS

Roma - 379RS

Details   The Roma tomato is known for its egg shape fruit. Its also named plum Roma in some countries, this firm small tomato is often used in producing tomato paste Indeterminate
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Romaine Climber - 98RG

Romaine Climber - 98RG

Details   A heritage bean of unknown origin. Good healthy climber with long green stringless pods. A heavy cropper with good taste as a fresh bean and also an exceptional dried bean.
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   approx 30
Price per packet   $4.50
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Rudbeckia - dwarf - 275RS

Rudbeckia - dwarf - 275RS

Details   Rudbeckia dwarf normally grows to 50cm, a tall annual with bronze and gold flowers that attract the pollinators for months until the first frosts. They have been traditionally used as an immune supporting herb. Easily grown and drought tolerant. Sprinkle seed on surface of tray under shelter and plant out after last frosts.
Botanical name   Asteraceae
Contains at least   40
Date Of Seed Harvest   April 2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Price per packet   $4.50
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Russian Red - 45RG

Russian Red - 45RG

Details   A reliable mid size cool-climate type with good flavour,
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Contains at least   20
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2022
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Price per packet   $4.50
Sage - Turkish - 262SPH

Sage - Turkish - 262SPH

Details   Evergreen perennial. Tall and sturdy, multi tiered flower stems with whirls of butter yellow flowers in summer. Flower heads dry to brown to add much needed structure and interest to the winter garden. Plant has large heart shaped leaves. Makes an excellent ground cover, is hardy and can tolerate most soil types and dryness.
Botanical name   Phlomis Russeliana
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hiltrop
Date Of Seed Harvest   Autumn 2023
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Scarlet Runner - 43RG

Scarlet Runner - 43RG

Details   It's fast growing perennial climbing up to 3 metres in a season. Plants will produce a profusion of pretty red and white flowers, amidst a heavy cover of leaves, in colder climates it pays to cover root crown with mulch so as to stop frost penetrating the soil killing the crown .
Botanical name   Phaseolus coccineus
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Skirret - 6RW

Skirret - 6RW

Details   Skirret is a perennial vegetable which dates back to Roman times. Related to carrots, it is the bunches of skinny white roots that is the edible portion. Doesn't like to be grown anywhere too dry and are slightly vulnerable to carrot fly. Roasted its a very tasty vegetable. Sow in spring time and treat the seedling like carrot seedlings by keeping them weed free and at a spacing of 20cm apart. Roots develop their full flavour during winter. Best grown as a annual.

Skirret seed is a difficult seed to germinate, the best method appears to be surface sowing in early winter outdoors in a area where the surface stays damp, by spring the small seedlings can be transferred to there garden bed, space out by 20cm x 20cm.
Botanical name   Sium sisarum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50

Snake bean mix- 234CMK

Details   This line of snake bean seed is a mix of three different cultivars that are considered as string less, they can grow to 70-80 cm long but best harvested at around 45cm long unless saving the seeds. can be eaten raw while young or steamed, stir fried or used in stews when more mature. slightly sweet flavour plant after frosts have passed, beans like the warmer weather so if still a bit chilly wont do as well. Needs a support to grow up
Botanical name   Vigna unguiculata
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
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Southland Sno - 151RG

Southland Sno - 151RG

Details   Heirloom pea originating from Southland.  This pea grows a multi coloured flower and grows to about a meter tall. It does need support to grow up. Pick the whole seed pod before the seeds form and use in salads and stir fries.
Botanical name   Pisum sativum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2021
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Spinach - English - 178RG

Spinach - English - 178RG

Details   Best sown when soil temps are over 10deg. A handy vegetable to grow during spring when few other vegetable grew at that time of the year. This gorgeous green veg is delicious, a good source of folic acid, manganese and vitamins A and C,
Botanical name   Spinacia Oleracea
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Spring Onion - 61ASS

Spring Onion - 61ASS

Details   Spring onions are also known as green onions, scallions or sibies. They tend to have a milder taste than most other onions, they can be eaten either raw in salads or cooked. Sow in Spring through to early Autumn in the South Island or year around in Northern areas. Propagation - Sow seeds directly where to grow in a line or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   allium fistulosum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Dec 2023
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50

Standard Butternut Pumpkin - 69CMK

Details   Butternut has tan-yellow skin and orange fleshy pulp with a compartment of seeds in the blossom end. When ripe, it turns increasingly deep orange, and becomes sweeter and richer. It is a good source of dietary fiber, Vitamin C Magnesium Potassium and Vitamin A
Botanical name   Cucurbita moschata
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
View 3 photos Only 5 in stock   Order
Sub-Arctic Maxi - 13NS

Sub-Arctic Maxi - 13NS

Details   Early-cropping bush tomato, these are the earliest-fruiting tomatoes that I've ever had the pleasure of growing. No pruning, no staking; ultra easy care.
Botanical name   Lycopersicon Esculentum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50

Swan Plant - 221CMK

Details   The swan plant is the food source for monarch butterfly as well as other species. Seedlings take about four months to grow to size may need protection to get them that size before butterflies find them to have a bigger food source, they can smell them up to 2 kms away, trees can grow up to two meters in height
Botanical name   Gomphocarpus fruticosus
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
View 3 photos Only 4 in stock   Order
Sweet Annie - 273RS

Sweet Annie - 273RS

Details   Sweet Annie can also be known as sweet wormwood or qinghao. It is native to China and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries. The dried leaves of sweet Annie contains flavonoids, essential oils, and artemisinin and can be used for malaria treatments. Sow seed in trays and plant out after the last spring frost
Botanical name   Artemisia annua
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
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Sweet William - 277RS

Sweet William - 277RS

Details   Also known as Bearded pink or London pride. Sweet william is a strong scented
biennial or short lived perennial with densely packed clusters of small flowers coming through in late spring/early summer. Coming in a wide range of colours, this selection includes, light and dark pink, red, white, pink/white, red/white and various other
shades. Likes full sun and rich soil, great in containers or beds and borders. Propagate by seed, cutting or division. Seeds will not breed true but you’ll still get a nice mix of colours. An old fashioned favourite, has flowers with shades of pinks all summer. Great as a vege companion.
Botanical name   Dianthus barbatus)
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Storage Info   seed in flower bag
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Tamarillo - Bold Gold - 267SS

Tamarillo - Bold Gold - 267SS

Details   Bold Gold Tamarillo is a fast growing bush that can produce up to 20kgs when fully grown. The fruit is medium size and yellow/gold in colour. Tamarillo bushes are frost tender and need good shelter from winds, they are susceptible to aphids and whitefly, so consider companion planting with herbs such as basil or coriander to deter pests. Propagation: Place Bold Gold Tamarillo seeds in seed raising mix cover with a fine layer of mix, water well and place tray in a warm sunny spot, spring is the best time, germination can take 2-3 weeks.
Botanical name   Solanum betaceum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Aug 2023
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Tarahumara - Climbing Bean - 265SS

Tarahumara - Climbing Bean - 265SS

Details   Tarahumara Climbing Beans are a very unusual deep purple bean, with a few grey and dark red types mixed in. A Climbing bean with dark lilac flowers and colourful pods, this bean hails from Mexico.
Propagate: Plant Tarahumara Climbing Bean seeds in spring either inside in trays for later outside transplanting or outside where you wish to grow, watch for slugs and snails.
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Toconjoin - corn - 180RW

Details   This mass crossing carried out Richard Watson used Early Gem, Golden, Bantam and as many F1 hybrids as possible, also added was another corn mix first grown back in 2001 by Peter Clarke, he had done likewise in mixing up many cultivars. Named Toconjoin as of 14/2/2023, this new landrace cultivar will continue to evolve similar to pre-1700's seed saving through the introduction of other cultivars once every 3-4 years. Over 200 plants are first used to achieve as much cross pollination as possible. The photo shows a selection of the best cobs from that 2020/21 crop. During the growing season of 2020/21, one singe plant produced slightly purple kennels, those seeds were separated and grown 2021/22, this crop went on to produce around 10 plants with white kennels.

2025 update - This line of sweet corn is now starting to mostly stabilize into producing white cobs as seen in the second photo, this seed will be available towards the end of winter once its dried. The sweetcorn flavour has been retained through each of the grow out years, and remains with the white corn also.
Botanical name   Zea Mays
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   seed regrown every second year
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Toms Yellow Wonder - 18RW

Toms Yellow Wonder - 18RW

Details   A large oblate beef steak yellow skin tomato, Indeterminate that will need sturdy stakeing or caging for support
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
True Seed Garlic (TSG)

True Seed Garlic (TSG)

Details   These bulbils have come from seven generations grown from true seed grown, this gives them a huge advantage over clove grown because when clones are replanted seasonally viruses can be transferred down reducing the new plants vigour and size. Growing from seed on the other hand breaks this virus cycle meaning much better quality bulb. Bulbs displayed in the photo are from the same true seed. It takes two growing seasons to reach this size but the wait is worth it. Best place to store garlic is in the ground, it doesn't matter when garlic is sown, garlic will emerge from the ground when garlic wants to emerge. Also the time frame when garlic emerges in one area of NZ may not be the same as other areas. Dry soil can very much slow down bulbil emergence, so water well after sowing. To date it is unknown if anyone has intentionally managed to grow their own TSG in NZ, though it would be unlikely, there have been two cases of seed grown in NZ in the 1990's but in both cases the growers of the seed had no understanding of just how unique and rare those tiny black seeds that fell out on their storing table were. Only one of these gardeners grew that seed, thus likely to have been the very first TSG sown in NZ. Thankfully this gardener did and has subsequently shared out bulbils widely. The growing of your own TSG takes about two months longer than if only growing for bulb production. Keeping garlic plants alive two extra months has been the problem as to why its been so difficult for a number of kiwi gardeners to archive there own TSG. The key is controlling allium rust which seems to be getting worse by the year More bulbils should be available Jan 2025 Info on TGS-
Botanical name   Allium sativum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2025
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Vervain - Purple Top - 249SPH

Vervain - Purple Top - 249SPH

Details   Purple-top vervain, cluster-top vervain or tall verbena is a purple herbaceous perennial. It has very tall, slender stems, irresistible to butterflies. The flowers are an airy lavender to rose-purple in tight clusters on long stems up to 1m high, which bloom from mid-summer until autumn. Self seeds readily and is easy to grow from semi-hardwood cuttings.
Botanical name   Verbena bonariensis
Date Of Seed Harvest   Autumn 2024
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hiltrop
Price per packet   $4.50
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White carrot - 350ALB

Details   White carrots are not only delicious but also packed with numerous health benefits. One of the key advantages of consuming white carrots is their high antioxidant content. Another significant health benefit of white carrots is their high dietary fiber content. White carrots are also known to boost the immune system. These vibrant vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and beta-carotene. Vitamin C is essential for a robust immune system, while beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A,
Botanical name   Daucus carota subsp. sativus
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Alice Le Brun
Contains at least   100
Price per packet   $4.50
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Wormwood - 269RS

Wormwood - 269RS

Details   Has been used for hundreds of years for intestinal parasites. Attracted silvery grey foliage and is a hardy plant.
Botanical name   Artemisia absinthium
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Yellow current - 15RW

Yellow current - 15RW

Details   A small yellow currant tomato with a pleasant fruity flavour that is not overly sweet, this heirloom came from Indiana, USA and dates back to the 1900s. It was discovered by John Hartman of Indianapolis, who found it growing in cracks in the street, and it was named for the creek that runs through the area
Botanical name   Lycopersicon esculentum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Yellow Pear 143RG

Yellow Pear 143RG

Details   This variety dates back to the 1800s and is a vigorous indeterminate tomato producing generously with an abundance of small yellow pear-shaped tomatoes that are sweet and mild in flavour.
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Price per packet   $4.50

Zucchini - Italian striped - 49CMK

Details   Zucchini Striped is a very productive summer squash, has dark green skin with light strips running thru the length. Plant late spring to early summer. Heirloom
Botanical name   Cucurbita pepo
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50