Vegetable Seeds
Cultivating vegetables in a home garden is a profoundly rewarding endeavour that brings an array of benefits. First and foremost, the joy of harvesting fresh, home-grown produce is unmatched – the flavours are vibrant, and the nutritional value is at its peak.
Beyond the culinary perks, home gardening promotes a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, reducing the carbon footprint associated with commercial agriculture and transportation.
Gardening also provides an excellent opportunity for physical activity and stress relief, connecting individuals with nature and the therapeutic aspects of tending to plants.
Moreover, having a home garden fosters a sense of self-sufficiency, allowing individuals to take control of their food sources and make informed choices about pesticide and fertilizer use.
The educational aspect is invaluable, especially for children, as they learn about the life cycle of plants and the importance of environmental stewardship.
Amaranth - Pygmy Torch - 276RS
Asparagus - Pacific Purple - 82RW
Austrian Hulless - 246CMK
Bean Feast - dwarf - 40NS
Black Krim - 75SS
Propagation: Sow seeds in seed raising mix in Spring, prick out once 2 true leave appear.
Black Mini Popping corn - 254ALB
Bloody Butcher - 305ALB
Blue Hopi - Maize - 74RG
Borlotti - 77NS
Brandywine Red tomato - 160RG
broad bean- Red seeded - 150RG
broadbean - El Beano -138NS
Open Source Seed Initiative Pledge: You have the freedom to use these OSSI-Pledged seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict others’ use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this Pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives.
broadbean - Medbury grex - 38RW
Broccoli - De Cicco - 170SS
Propagation: Sow De Cicco Broccoli seeds in trays of potting soil in late summer - early winter, plant out when 2nd leaves have developed.
Broccoli - purple sprouting - 242SPH
Broccoli - white - 101NS
Brussels Sprout - Darkmar - 102RW
Butterbean - 22RW
Cabbage - Kalibos - 118RW
Caigua 1RW
Capsicum - Botinecka Zuta - 8RW
Capsicum - Czech Beauty - 11NS
Capsicum - Mini Bell - 211CMK
Capsicum - Soroksari - 10RW
Capsicum - Sweet Orange - 240CMK
Carrot - Baby Slenderette - 32NS
Carrot - Benhorn - 60RW
In January 2024 the following carrots were grown and will be added to Benhorn's genetics 2024-25 - Baby Pak, Every season, Manchester Table, Touchon, Express Hybrid, Kuroda Improved and Topweight.
Celery Elne - 235SPH
Celtuce - 251RW
Chard - Compactum - 21RW
Feed back from a customer living near Katikati, she sowed this variety in Sep 2020 which is still growing March 2022 having not bolted to seed during this time, being a bi-annual it should have run to seed late 2021.
Chard - Multi coloured silver beet - 111RG
Chard - Tekoa - 23RW
Seed should become available summer 2024/05
Chard, Ford Giant Hook - 169SS
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 14-21 days.
Cherokee Purple - 148RG
Cherokee Trail of Tears - 42RW
Cork Oak
This particular seed has come off a line of young (25YO) trees that grow in a windy dry part of Canterbury, these 15 trees have grown well thanks to have originated from areas in, Africa, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. In wetter areas of NZ Cork oak wont do well if they sit in standing water for long periods, but overall they should grow well in most areas. Seed only available during late autumn and early winter, hit the watch tab and be emailed when seed to available again
Crown Pumpkin - 226CMK
Crownchestnut - 90aRW
Crystal - 109RW
Cucumber - Poona Kerra - 213SS
Czar White - dwarf runner 39RW
Daniel's Defiance - 53RW
Early Gem - 84RW
Egyptian walking tree onions (red)
It is thought that the Egyptian Walking tree onion is a F1 clone, a cross between the Walsh and a standard brown onion, but this has proven to be not the case as is 2015 Richard carried out a breeding project by removing the bulbil and hand pollination, 13 seeds were produced in 2015, from those 13 only 5 seedlings germinated. During that summer the four remaining plants grew and divided giving me 23 new base onions. These were then replanted out separately and it is hoped they will produce more seed. After three generations it was noticed that they were 100% identical to the original clone meaning the Egyptian Walking tree onion is a mutation not a cross.
Sold out for the season, hit the watch tab to receive a notification when its back in stock in 2026
Etollbeet grex - 181RW
Seed packets do contain some plant material and varying size seed.
18th July 2024 seed was sown of original Etoillbeet grex as well as - Crosbys Egyptian Flat, Rainbow Blend,Action F1 hybrid, All Sseasons F1, Derwent Globe, Baby Beets, and Cylindra. By sowing in winter this tends to expose plants that want to flower in there first season. Its only those that dont and carry on growing through to the following growing season that end up being used in the next generation grex mix. First year bolters/flowering and any weak plants will be pulled out.
Fennel - Bronze - 271CMK
Fennel - Florence - 86RW
Fennel - Sweet/common - 239SPH
Flax - Variegated New Zealand Green - 274SS
Propagation: Plant NZ Variegated Green Flax seeds in spring undercover in seed raising mix for later outside transplanting.
GG - 34NS
Giant Alderman - 57RG
Glass Gem Popping Corn - 100CMK
Globe Artichoke - 89RG
Golden Light - 214SS
Golden Rod - 292RS
Grandus 115RW
Needs support to grow up, has large pods. Plant autumn for northern areas, South Island sow spring and summer. Grows up to 2 metres
Green Grape - 147RG
Greenfeast - 52RW
Haricot dEspagne - 65NS
Hopi Yellow Bean - 257SS
Hopi Yellow Beans are a high-yeilding tasty, early maturing, pole green bean that can be eaten as a fresh green bean or a dried light yellow/beige bean. From Hopi Indian, also called "grease beans".
Propagate: Plant Hopi yellow bean seeds in spring either inside in trays for later outside transplanting or outside where you wish to grow, watch for slugs and snails.
Indian Hannah - 80RW
Ipomoea batatas - Camote
Camote grown from seed rather than a clone is globally rare. The government funded DSIR back in the 70's or 80's carried out a short trial but for some reason was stopped, this may have been the only Ipomoea batatas seed had grown till 2017 when Richard Paul was gifted some seed from a passionate home gardener/breeder in the US, he then set about starting a long term breeding program with the idea crossing it with a local Kumara.
Isle of Capris - Duncan Wilson strain - 12RG
Italian Valena Bean - 266SS
Japanese Black Trifele - 19NS
Jarriahdale - 156CMK
Kale - Red Ruffled - 299NS
Kale - Red Russian - 309RG
Kale - Red Ursa - 51RT
Open Source Seed Initiative Pledge: You have the freedom to use these OSSI-Pledged seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict others’ use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this Pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives.
Kale - True Siberian - 310RW
Kanuka - 161RW
Karaka - 83RW
Kascade Korn - 85NS
Kawakawa - 228SS
Propagation: Plant Kawakawa seeds in Summer and Autumn in moist seed raising mix, cover lightly and keep moist but not waterlogged in a warm partially shaded place. Seeds may take some time to appear, 6mths.
Kohlrabi - Early Purple Vienna - 105SS
Propagation: Sow Purple Vienna Kohlrabi seeds directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in well. Cover with a light layer of mix. Seedlings usually appear in 7-14 days.
Kumi Kumi - oblong - 177NS
Lamb's Quarters - Magenta Spreen - 279RS
Larkspur - 41RS
Leek - Perennial Leek - 93RW
Germination testing has shown that this strain of leek to have very poor seed germination because of 200+ years of reproducing from clones, over time the cultivar loses its ability to produce seed much like garlic has become. Richard in 2024 imported a strain of perennial leek which has a high germination strike rate, The US and NZ cultivars will be cross pollinated and this should reinvigorate the local strain meaning larger plants and hopefully better. Breeding work will take until 2026, in the mean time hit the watch tap for email updates
Leek - Portage - 94RW
Suggested growing method is to aim for a long length white stem of up to 40cm, sow seed late winter/ early spring close enough together aiming for a spacing of 2cm apart, by mid summer the plants should be up to 30cm tall, dig them up trying not to damage the roots too much and place in a bucket with enough water in it to cover the roots. The soil these plants go into needs to be deeply dug over then using a rake or shovel handle poke it down into the soil as deep as 40cm, wriggle it around to make a shaft to which a leek plant is dropped down, then pour a small amount of water down, its just then a matter of insuring that the growth tip can grow up and out of the shaft. The following cultivars were sown late winter 2024 and the best will be used in crossing with the original Portage line. King Richard, King Sieg, Autumn Giant, Lincoln, Bulgarian Giant, Blue De Solaize, Carantan, Lancelot, American Flag, and Mechelen Blue Green Winter,
Leek - Purau - 91RG
Lettuce - Arabic - 282RW
Lettuce - Cooptown Italian - 182RG
Lettuce - Devils Ears - 28RW
Lettuce - Mescher - 24RW
Lettuce - Red Oakleaf - 284RW
Lettuce, Drunken Woman - 205SS
Propagation: Best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.
Lettuce, Freckles - 172SS
Lettuce, Rocket - 187SS
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14 days.
Lobella - 47NS
Long Island Cheese Squash - 245CMK
Long Keeper - 20RW
Love Lies Bleeding - 259RS
Lychnis - Coroaria Alba - 293SPH
Maize - Billard - 122RW
Maize - Sola - 79NS
Mangelbeet - 66RW
Marmande - 58RG
Millet - foxtail - 247RS
Mini strawberry Popping corn - 91bCMK
Mugwort - 26RS
Musquee de Provence - 114CMK
Nev's TPS - 136NS
Nigella sativa - 71RS
It is best to sow Nigalla sativa seeds once a month from just before the last frost of spring until early summer, and then once again towards the end of autumn. This will result in a prolonged blooming period
Novella - 54RW
Onion - Brown mass grex cross - 36RW
When growing seed from this early cross expect diversity in type.
The following cultivars were sown late winter for the 2024/25 growing season, these will be added to this genetic mass pollination
New York Early, Fehmel Steig, Franzisco, Maria Nagy's Transylvanian Yellow, Newburg, Sweet Spanish Golorade, Texas Early Grano, Australian Brown, Yellow of Purma, Cipollini, Walla Walla, Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish, Ailsa Craig.
Onion - Mammoth improved - 231RW
Sow seed early spring in the South Island, North Islanders may be able to sow autumn through winter as well, feedback from customers would be appreciated
Onion - Medbury Red Longkeeper - 35RW
Sow seed early spring in the South Island, North Islanders may be able to sow autumn through winter as well, feedback from customers would be appreciated
Onion - Red Bunching - 76SS
Onion - Walsh - 37RG
Onward - 55RW
Orach - green - 256RS
Oregon Giant Sugar Pod - 138aRW
Pak Choi, Kwang Moon - 188SS
Propagation: Pak Choi Seeds are best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.
Parsnip - Hollow Crown - 63RG
Parsnip - Kralcrown - 61RW
Kraslcrown is the result of a cross pollination carried out by Richard in 2010 between Hollow crown and Kral, hence the name Kralcrown.
The key to growing parsnips is using fresh seed. Many gardeners say they have no luck growing parsnips which is normally because of using old seed. Parsnip seed only remains viable for two years at room temperature. Sentinels parsnip seed is regrown every year meaning it should give great germination results.
Pean bean (white) - 44NS
pepper - Trinidad Moruga Scorpion - 171RW
Pepper, Wild Fire - 206SS
Propagation: Sow Wild Fire Chili seeds from September to October in seed raising mix, transplant out (undercover) in October to November, seeds should germinate in 14-21 days.
Perennial Sweet pea - 126RW
Pohutukawa - Dwarf Tahitian - 120CMK
Pumpkin - Rouge Vif d'Etampes - 208CMK
Purau Sweet Cherry - 99RG
Queensland Blue Pumpkin - 225CMK
Radish - Black Spanish 'round' - 62RW
Radish - Chinese Red Meat - 125SS
Propagation: Sow seeds in the ground where you intend to grow, cover with a fine layer of soil.
Radish - Qingluobo - 104RW
Radish - spring Grex cross - 96RW
Photo shows the results of this first cross pollination
Red Giant - 2RW
Regal Lily - 149RW
Richard was fortunate to be given two bulbs from an old strain of highly fragrant Regal Lily that produces compact flower heads that all open at about the same time. All bulb production will be grown from seed and not from cloning scales or splitting up of the bulbs. He will be able to do selective breeding from the best performing plants.
Rhubarb - 162RW
Richards mix- 129RW
Rockmelon - Amish - 232CMK
fruit grows to 20 cm across 3 kg in weight, flesh is orange.
Disease resistant
Roma - 379RS
Romaine Climber - 98RG
Rudbeckia - dwarf - 275RS
Russian Red - 45RG
Sage - Turkish - 262SPH
Scarlet Runner - 43RG
Skirret - 6RW
Skirret seed is a difficult seed to germinate, the best method appears to be surface sowing in early winter outdoors in a area where the surface stays damp, by spring the small seedlings can be transferred to there garden bed, space out by 20cm x 20cm.
Snake bean mix- 234CMK
Southland Sno - 151RG
Spinach - English - 178RG
Spring Onion - 61ASS
Standard Butternut Pumpkin - 69CMK
Sub-Arctic Maxi - 13NS
Swan Plant - 221CMK
Sweet Annie - 273RS
Sweet William - 277RS
biennial or short lived perennial with densely packed clusters of small flowers coming through in late spring/early summer. Coming in a wide range of colours, this selection includes, light and dark pink, red, white, pink/white, red/white and various other
shades. Likes full sun and rich soil, great in containers or beds and borders. Propagate by seed, cutting or division. Seeds will not breed true but you’ll still get a nice mix of colours. An old fashioned favourite, has flowers with shades of pinks all summer. Great as a vege companion.
Tamarillo - Bold Gold - 267SS
Tarahumara - Climbing Bean - 265SS
Propagate: Plant Tarahumara Climbing Bean seeds in spring either inside in trays for later outside transplanting or outside where you wish to grow, watch for slugs and snails.
Toconjoin - corn - 180RW
2025 update - This line of sweet corn is now starting to mostly stabilize into producing white cobs as seen in the second photo, this seed will be available towards the end of winter once its dried. The sweetcorn flavour has been retained through each of the grow out years, and remains with the white corn also.