Grow your own flowers from seed
Cultivating a garden of flowers allows you to witness the miraculous transformation of tiny seeds into a kaleidoscope of colours and shapes.
Beyond the aesthetic joy they bring, flowers attract pollinators, supporting biodiversity and contributing to a healthier ecosystem. The act of nurturing flowers can be a therapeutic escape, providing a peaceful retreat from the demands of daily life.
Whether adorning your outdoor space or brightening your home, the presence of flowers has the power to uplift spirits and evoke positive emotions. From the meditative practice of gardening to the simple joy of gazing upon blooming petals, growing flowers is a fulfilling and life-enriching experience that connects you with the rhythms of nature, fostering a sense of peace and appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us.
Apple of Peru - 107RG
Aquilegia - columbine - pink double - 285RS
Aquilegia - Mixed colours - 298SPH
Baim of gilead - 294SPH
Briza media - Quakery grass- 50RS
Sow seed pretty much year round in warmer areas, spring to autumn in colder soils.
Calenduleae - orange - 297RS
Calenduleae - Yellow - 296RW
Candytuft - 270RS
Cosmos - double - 381CMK
cosmos - white - 272CMK
Edible Chrysanthemum - 90RG
Elecampane - 59SPH
If sowing seed in the garden, plant them after all danger of frost has passed.
Fire Pink Silene - 353SPH
Foxglove - Apricot Beauty - 345CMK
Foxglove - Pink - 158SPH
Fuchsia procumbens - 326CMK
Fuscia - procumbons - variegated - 338CMK
Globe Artichoke - 89RG
Golden Rod - 292RS
Hollyhock - magenta - 391CMK
Hollyhock - Mixed colours - 248CMK
Hollyhock - pink - 392cmk
Lambs Ear - 244SPH
Larkspur - 41RS
Lavender - Avonview - 116SS
Propagation: Sow seeds in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 14-21 days.
Leopard plant - 261SPH
Love Lies Bleeding - 259RS
Lunara - Purple Toadflax - 311SPH
Lychnis Coronaria - Rose Champion - 243SPH
Marigold - Petite Mixed - 307SS
Propagation: Plant seeds in spring/summer in seed raising mix, cover with 5mm of fine mix and keep evenly moist .
Marigold - Starfire - 327CMK
Marigold - white - 354SPh
Morning Glory - Crimson - 289RS
Nasturtium, Alaska Collection - 183SS
Nasturtium Seeds are best sown directly where to grow in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14 days.
Nigella sativa - 71RS
It is best to sow Nigalla sativa seeds once a month from just before the last frost of spring until early summer, and then once again towards the end of autumn. This will result in a prolonged blooming period
NZ Iris, Libertia - 189SS
Propagation: Seed scarification is recommended; place seeds in a cup of warm water, leave to cool for 24hrs then sow seeds directly on to a firm bed of seed raising mix and press well in. Cover with a light layer of mix.
Pansies - black - 362CMK
Perennial Sweet pea - 126RW
Poppies- mixed colours - 330SPH
Herbaceuos annual, biennial and sometimes perennial flowering plant. The source of edible seeds that can be used in baking.
Can grow up to 1 metre tall and produce alot of seeds. Flower from spring into early summer. Tolerant most soil types.
Poppy - Papaver - 288SPH
Please be aware not all poppy seeds are edible.
Poppy - Pink/red Pom Pom - 191RW
poppy - pompom - pink/purple - 359RW
Purple Tansy - 27SPH
Lacy ferm-like foilage and blue/lavender flowers often grown as a annual wildflower, in borders or as green manure cover crop. Seeds readily and is a good garden filler. Hardy
Regal Lily - 149RW
Richard was fortunate to be given two bulbs from an old strain of highly fragrant Regal Lily that produces compact flower heads that all open at about the same time. All bulb production will be grown from seed and not from cloning scales or splitting up of the bulbs. He will be able to do selective breeding from the best performing plants.
Renga Renga Lily - 127SS
Rudbeckia - dwarf - 275RS
Rudbeckia - Little Goldstar - 336CMK
Safflower - 348RS
salsify - 290RS
Scabiosa - Pink - 319rS
Scarlet Rata Vine - 314SS
Propagation: For best results germinate seeds on top of moist seed raising mix, cover once germination starts as the seed needs light to germinate.
Silver dollar - 168SPH
It grows to around a metre and prefers a well drained soil that's in full sun to partial shade, does do best if kept consistently moist. has iridescent "leaves" that are actually the seed pods coming after the dainty light purple flowers. Lunaria plants is a biennial which will establish a clump in its first year and the flowers and seed pods follow in the second year. These seeds or "silver dollars" are papery to the touch flat and oblong, with a short, needle-like projection that hangs down from the bottom of each seed
pod. Prefers moist neutral soils and full or part sun. In the brassica family.
Spilanthes - 71RW
St Mary's Thistle - 146RG
Strawflower - pink - 263SPH
Sunflower - Branching - 291CMK
Sunflower - Mexican - 255SPH
Sunflower - Moonwalker - 304CMK
Sunflowers - Giant Russian - 103RW
Sow in spring in colder areas, year round in warmer locations
Swan Plant - 221CMK
Sweet Cicely - 5SPH
Sweet Pea, Old Spice - 47ASS
Propagation: Soak the seeds in warm water for up to 24hrs, then sow in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny position.
Sweet William - 277RS
biennial or short lived perennial with densely packed clusters of small flowers coming through in late spring/early summer. Coming in a wide range of colours, this selection includes, light and dark pink, red, white, pink/white, red/white and various other
shades. Likes full sun and rich soil, great in containers or beds and borders. Propagate by seed, cutting or division. Seeds will not breed true but you’ll still get a nice mix of colours. An old fashioned favourite, has flowers with shades of pinks all summer. Great as a vege companion.
Teasel - 7RG
Thalictrum - Meadow Rue - 302SPH
Tickseed, Coreopsis - 334SS
Propagation: Seeds germinate readily so can be sown directly into flower beds in spring or earlier undercover in seed raising trays.