Common companion plants to grow alongside your tomatoes

Common companion plants to grow alongside your tomatoes

Details   The following plants are often grown together to help increase pollination, distract and deter pests and generally improve the overall yield.

Borage, Chives, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil, Calendula, Carrots, Peppers, Sage, Onions, Garlic, Lettuce
Tomatoes for health

Tomatoes for health

Details   Tomatoes are a treasure of riches when it comes to their antioxidant benefits. In terms of conventional antioxidants, tomatoes provide an excellent amount of vitamin C and beta-carotene; a very good amount of the mineral manganese; and a good amount of vitamin E.

Tomato selection

All our tomato seed, including heirloom and heritage varieties, are open pollinated and grown in Canterbury, New Zealand

Tomatoes are not only a versatile and delicious addition to a wide range of culinary creations, from salads to sauces, but they also bring nutritional richness, being a superb source of vitamins, antioxidants, and essential minerals.

Growing tomatoes at home allows you to enjoy the unparalleled flavour of vine-ripened fruit that is often superior to store-bought alternatives.

Additionally, tending to tomato plants provides a hands-on gardening experience that can be both therapeutic and educational.

With numerous varieties suited to different climates and growing conditions, tomatoes are adaptable and can flourish in various garden setups, including containers, hanging baskets, or traditional garden beds.

By incorporating tomatoes into your home garden, you not only savour the unrivalled taste of home-grown produce but also promote sustainability, reduce your ecological footprint, and cultivate a deeper connection to the food you consume.

Ailsa Craig - 14RG

Ailsa Craig - 14RG

Details   An old variety, very popular in the UK originating from Scotland in 1908. Named after the island.Ailsa Craig near the mouth of the Clyde river. A vigorous grower with good disease resistance, medium size and good flavour.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Black Krim - 75SS

Black Krim - 75SS

Details   Black Krim Tomato is an heirloom tomato originating from Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula. "Krim" is the Russian word for Crimea. This tomato is open-pollinated, and bears large flattened globe fruits that are dark reddish-purple to black with green/brown. A very good producing plant.
Propagation: Sow seeds in seed raising mix in Spring, prick out once 2 true leave appear.

Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2022
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 3 in stock   Order
Brandywine Red tomato - 160RG

Brandywine Red tomato - 160RG

Details   Brandywine Red grows vigorous vines with large globe shaped rosy-red fruit, can get up to half a Kg in weight. This American heirloom beefsteak variety is one of the most popular grown in the US.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Only 4 in stock   Order
Discombe - 390RW

Discombe - 390RW

Details   The seeds from this tomato was bought to NZ at the end of the second world war. Unfortunately the name was lost, but the returned soldier did carried on growing it for a further 50+ years.

A mid to large meaty fruit good flavour off a strong growing and tall plant
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2025
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Golden Light - 214SS

Golden Light - 214SS

Details   Golden Light tomatoes have been tested as having one of the highest levels of Tetra-cis-lycopene, a highly beneficial bioavailable form of lycopene. An orange teardrop fruit this variety is very similar to 'Orange Roma' which is a good producer of tasty Roma style tomatoes. Propagation: Sow Golden Light Tomato seeds directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in well.  Cover with a light layer of mix. Seedlings usually appear in two to three months depending on temperature.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Green Grape - 147RG

Green Grape - 147RG

Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   2020
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Isle of Capris - Duncan Wilson strain - 12RG

Isle of Capris - Duncan Wilson strain - 12RG

Details   A great tomato with history. This tomato is a large fleshy one (up to 600 grams ) ,low in acid with very few seeds. Rick says that out of the 50 plus tomatoes he grows, this is his number one. was given to Duncan by an Italian sailor sometime in the 50's and grown by him for many years and eventually was forgotten. Rick attained just a few old seeds of which only two grew and have a good inventory of seeds
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 3 in stock   Order
Japanese Black Trifele - 19NS

Japanese Black Trifele - 19NS

Details   Pear-shaped fruit that are a strange red/orange/purple colour with very good taste. Strong, vigourous plants, that should be allowed to carry 3 or 4 leaders. So put in several stakes for each plant. Excellent yields.
Botanical name   Lycopersicon esculentum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 10 in stock   Order
Lobella - 47NS

Lobella - 47NS

Details   Lobella, is yellow and hollow very like a capsicum to look at. It is a delicious cooking tomato, which can be stuffed and baked or baked only. It is a low acid tomato and a good cropper. It was bought from a NZ seed company originally but they no longer stock it.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Long Keeper - 20RW

Long Keeper - 20RW

Details   As the name suggests this tomato has a slow ripening fruit that keeps well into winter, a close relative to Burpee Long keeper. This is a tomato that i like to start mid summer and pick green late autumn so they slowly ripen through the winter. A mid size, dark red skinned tomato that is red inside during summer but has darker red during the cooler months.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2025
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Marmande - 58RG

Marmande - 58RG

Details   A French Heirloom very popular in Northern Italy with great pest and disease resistance. Fast growing producing early season fruit . Harvest 12-14 weeks from sow
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order
Oregon Spring - 97RG

Oregon Spring - 97RG

Details   Semi-Indeterminate - An early ripening tomato that produces mid to large size fruit,
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Purau large red - 30RG

Purau large red - 30RG

Details   A very tasty large beefsteak type, good cropper.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
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Purau Sweet Cherry - 99RG

Purau Sweet Cherry - 99RG

Details   A productive tasty, very sweet, cherry, red tomato, early to produce fruit. Vigorous grower. Has been a favorite of Ricks for over 30 years.
Botanical name   Lycopersicon esculentum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Roma - 379RS

Roma - 379RS

Details   The Roma tomato is known for its egg shape fruit. Its also named plum Roma in some countries, this firm small tomato is often used in producing tomato paste Indeterminate
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 6 in stock   Order
Russian Red - 45RG

Russian Red - 45RG

Details   A reliable mid size cool-climate type with good flavour,
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Contains at least   20
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2022
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Price per packet   $4.50
Sub-Arctic Maxi - 13NS

Sub-Arctic Maxi - 13NS

Details   Early-cropping bush tomato, these are the earliest-fruiting tomatoes that I've ever had the pleasure of growing. No pruning, no staking; ultra easy care.
Botanical name   Lycopersicon Esculentum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Tangella - 30SS

Tangella - 30SS

Details   Tangella Tomato is a very productive variety, producing beautiful bright orange fruits which have been a favourite in our salads. The small to medium-sized cherry fruits (15-50 grams) are often one of the first to ripen.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Toms Yellow Wonder - 18RW

Toms Yellow Wonder - 18RW

Details   A large oblate beef steak yellow skin tomato, Indeterminate that will need sturdy stakeing or caging for support
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Yellow current - 15RW

Yellow current - 15RW

Details   A small yellow currant tomato with a pleasant fruity flavour that is not overly sweet, this heirloom came from Indiana, USA and dates back to the 1900s. It was discovered by John Hartman of Indianapolis, who found it growing in cracks in the street, and it was named for the creek that runs through the area
Botanical name   Lycopersicon esculentum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Yellow Pear 143RG

Yellow Pear 143RG

Details   This variety dates back to the 1800s and is a vigorous indeterminate tomato producing generously with an abundance of small yellow pear-shaped tomatoes that are sweet and mild in flavour.
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Price per packet   $4.50