Leafy greens

Growing your own salad greens allows you to harvest them at the peak of freshness, ensuring a higher nutrient content compared to store-bought alternatives.

The variety of lettuces, spinach, arugula, and other greens available for home cultivation adds a burst of flavours and textures to your salads, creating a diverse and satisfying dining experience.

Additionally, tending to a salad garden promotes a deeper connection with nature and a healthier lifestyle, as the process involves physical activity and encourages a diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

The convenience of having a readily available source of fresh greens encourages healthier eating habits, while the act of cultivating and harvesting your own salad instills a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Ultimately, the benefits of growing salad in your home garden extend beyond the plate, fostering well-being, sustainability, and a deeper appreciation for the food on your table.

Alexander - 92RW

Alexander - 92RW

Details   Grows over one metre in height. Known for its edible young shoots, leaf stalks, stems, roots, flowers and seeds. This frost tolerate plant was cultivated for many centuries and was widely grown by the Romans who introduced it into western and central Europe including the British Isles.
Botanical name   Smyrnium olusatrum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   seed regrown each year
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50

Celtuce - 130RW

Details   Commonly used in Asian cuisine for its thick stem. Commonly used in Asian cuisine for its thick stem Celtuce is a species of lettuce with a crunchy and juicy stalk that can be eaten raw or cooked.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa var. augustana
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Celtuce - 251RW

Celtuce - 251RW

Details   Celtuce is a cultivar of lettuce grown primarily for its thick stem or for its leaves. The stem is usually harvested at a length of around 15cm and a diameter of around 3cm. It is crisp, moist, and mildly flavored, and typically prepared by slicing and then stir frying with more strongly flavoured ingredients. Grow plants about 30cm apart
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Chard - Compactum - 21RW

Chard - Compactum - 21RW

Details   A dark green leaf and with a lighter green stem,

Feed back from a customer living near Katikati, she sowed this variety in Sep 2020 which is still growing March 2022 having not bolted to seed during this time, being a bi-annual it should have run to seed late 2021.
Botanical name   Beta vulgaris
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2019
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed long term stored in freezer
Contains at least   40 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Chard - Tekoa - 23RW

Chard - Tekoa - 23RW

Details   A light green coloured chard with wide white stems.

Seed should become available summer 2024/05
Botanical name   Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Chard, Ford Giant Hook - 169SS

Chard, Ford Giant Hook - 169SS

Details   Ford Giant Hook is a Heirloom standard Silverbeet. It's crinkled leaves are mid green in colour with white veins. The stems are broad white, ideal as a steamed vegetable or in salad as a baby leaf.
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 14-21 days.

Botanical name   beta vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 4 in stock   Order
Corn Salad - 68RW

Corn Salad - 68RW

Details   Winter hardy, edible leaf vegetable with a characteristic nutty flavor, dark green color, and soft texture, popularly served as salad greens.
Botanical name   Valerianella locusta
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 4 in stock   Order
Edible Chrysanthemum - 90RG

Edible Chrysanthemum - 90RG

Details   All chrysanthemum flowers are edible, but the flavour varies widely from plant to plant, from sweet to tangy to bitter or peppery. It may take some experimentation to find flavours you like. The mild flavour lends itself well to stir-fries, added to salads also
Botanical name   Chrysanthemum coronarium
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   approx 30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 3 in stock   Order
Endive Curly - Frisée - 306SS

Endive Curly - Frisée - 306SS

Details   Curly endive is a variety of chicory which is used in mesclun salads. It has pale green, narrow curly leaves that are slightly bitter.

Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location. Will germinate in 14 - 21 days.
Botanical name   Cichorium crispum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Storage Info   seed regrown each year
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Lamb's Quarters - Magenta Spreen - 279RS

Lamb's Quarters - Magenta Spreen - 279RS

Details   Lamb's Quarters grows very quickly especially in protected areas or in green houses. Said to be very high in calcium and vitamin K and is eaten much you do with spinac.
Botanical name   Chenopodium album
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Arabic - 282RW

Lettuce - Arabic - 282RW

Details   A very fast growing tall lettuce with long wide leaves, cos type.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   2022
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Cooptown Italian - 182RG

Lettuce - Cooptown Italian - 182RG

Details   A heritage variety that was brought into NZ by a returning WW2 soldier and has been grown in and around Cooptown, Banks Peninsula since. A great tasty green leafy lettuce.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2022
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Devils Ears - 28RW

Lettuce - Devils Ears - 28RW

Details   A lettuce with good heat tolerance, has a nutty texture and bitter-free flavour.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50

Lettuce - Lolla Rossa - 295CMK

Details   Lolla Rossa is a nice frilly type of lettuce that you can just keep picking from, the colour intensifies the cooler the temperature gets can be sown early spring to late autumn. Regarded as a slow bolting cultivar. This photo was taken in June, when grown in summer will have more colour on the leaves
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Merlot- 142RW

Lettuce - Merlot- 142RW

Details   Thought to be the darkest red lettuce in existence, making it tops for anthocyanin (antioxidant) content as well! Leaf lettuce with wavy to frilly leaf margins and very crisp, waxy leaves!
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2025
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   seed regrown each year
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Mescher - 24RW

Lettuce - Mescher - 24RW

Details   An heirloom that dates back to the 1700s in Austria A fast-hearting spring type, green with red-tinged leaves, and small very dense heads.
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce - Red Oakleaf - 284RW

Lettuce - Red Oakleaf - 284RW

Details   Has burgundy red leaves and is a loose-leaf non hearting lettuce cultivar
Botanical name   Lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce, Drunken Woman - 205SS

Lettuce, Drunken Woman - 205SS

Details   Drunken Woman is an Italian heirloom lettuce that produces bright green leaves with ruffled edges in a deep bronze color.  It is a popular lettuce to grow for beginner gardeners because it is very easy to grow and slow to bolt.
Propagation: Best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2022
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order
Lettuce, Freckles - 172SS

Lettuce, Freckles - 172SS

Details   A semi-cos heirloom variety with attractive light green leaves covered in red freckles. Lettuces are normally a cool weather crop that is easy to grow and grows quickly. Best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.
Botanical name   lactuca sativa
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce, Rocket - 187SS

Lettuce, Rocket - 187SS

Details   Rocket is a lettuce native to the Mediterranean region, Rocket is used as a leaf vegetable in salads, it is known for its fresh and peppery flavor.
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   brassica vesicaria
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2021
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Miners Lettuce - 163RG

Miners Lettuce - 163RG

Details   Miners lettuce has small heart-shaped leaves that have a mild but succulent taste. Rich in calcium and vitamin C, miners lettuce is ideal to add to salads. Scatter seed in out of the way corners where it can then maintain itself.
Botanical name   Claytonia perfoliata
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2020
Storage Info   frozen stored
Contains at least   40 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Mustard Lettuce - 87RW

Mustard Lettuce - 87RW

Details   Has a distinct horseradish-mustard flavour. Regarded as one of the most nutritious green-leafy vegetables available around. Its lovely top greens have actually more vitamin A, carotenes, vitamin K, and flavonoid anti-oxidants than some of typical fruits and vegetables.
Botanical name   Brassica juncea
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2020
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stored in freezer
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Orach - green - 256RS

Orach - green - 256RS

Details   Often called mountain spinach which is used as you would do spinach. Pests seem to leave this alone. Grows to around 1.7m
Botanical name   Atriplex hortensis
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order
Orach - red - 29RG

Orach - red - 29RG

Details   This red spinach is rich in Vitamin C ,vitamin A, iron, calcium,folic acid and antioxidants,commonly grown vegetable during the Middle Ages. Eaten raw in salads or cooked like spinach.
Botanical name   Spinacia oleracea
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Out of stock
Pak Choi, Kwang Moon - 188SS

Pak Choi, Kwang Moon - 188SS

Details   Pak Choi or Bok Choy is a Chinese cabbage native to Hong Kong and Southern China. Ideal in stir-fries, soups or salads. Pak Choi is a cool weather crop that is easy to grow. It grows quickly and can be grown during winter in areas that see little or no frosts, doesn't do so well in summer as it tends to bolt. 
Propagation: Pak Choi Seeds are best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   brassica campestris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 9 in stock   Order
spinach - Bele - 352CMK

spinach - Bele - 352CMK

Details   Known also as slippery cabbage, aibika and sunset hibiscus - is a plant whose leaves are often used in cooking in the Pacific islands.
A healthy plant will produce for 1-2 years, very high - 5% protein . It also contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium, as well as significant amounts of iron.
Botanical name   Hibiscus manihot
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Spinach - Bower - 25RW

Spinach - Bower - 25RW

Details   Bower spinach is a scrambling short shrub that forms dense leafy patches of up to 14 m. The stems are long and trailing, often succulent and colored red or pink when young, maturing to dark green to brown-black and becoming woody. The leaves are alternate, clustered, and fleshy. The yellow flowers are solitary. Fruits are pink to dark red, succulent berries up to 8 mm long.


It is grown for edible leaves and can be used as food or as an ornamental plant for ground cover. As some of its names signify, it has similar flavor and texture properties to spinach and is cooked like spinach. Like spinach, it contains oxalates. Its medium to low levels of oxalates needs to be removed by blanching the leaves in hot water for one minute, then rinsing in cold water before cooking. It can be found as an invasive plant in North and South America and cultivated along the East Asian rim. It thrives in hot weather and is considered an heirloom vegetable. Few insects consume it, and even slugs and snails do not seem to feed on it.

The thick, irregularly-shaped seeds should be planted just after the last spring frost. Before planting, the seeds should be soaked for 12 hours in cold water or 3 hours in warm water. Seeds should be planted 5 to 10 mm deep and spaced 15 to 30 cm apart. The seedlings will emerge in 10 to 20 days, and they will continue to produce greens through the summer.

Botanical name   Tetragonia implexicoma
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Storage Info   picked fresh each year
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Spinach - English - 178RG

Spinach - English - 178RG

Details   Best sown when soil temps are over 10deg. A handy vegetable to grow during spring when few other vegetable grew at that time of the year. This gorgeous green veg is delicious, a good source of folic acid, manganese and vitamins A and C,
Botanical name   Spinacia Oleracea
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Spinach - New Zealand - 128RW

Spinach - New Zealand - 128RW

Details   New Zealand Spinach' can be grown as a perennial in warmer climates but is typically grown as an annual.
Soaking seeds in warm water for two to eight hours prior to sowing may help soften the seed coat and improve germination results, spinach seeds need lots of heat to germinate so start inside or wait until summer time. Plants can be wintered over indoors and planted outdoors after frosts have past.
Botanical name   Tetragonia tetragonoides
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 4 in stock   Order
Wild Chicory - 134RW

Wild Chicory - 134RW

Details   The original seed was given to Richard as part of a seed order from the UK and was said to have been sourced from plants growing wild. A perennial member of the dandelion family Asteraceae. Ideal for salad leaves or roots which can be baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute. Seed extraction and processing is extremely difficult and time consuming which reflects in the price of this seed
Botanical name   Cichorium intybus
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   15
Price per packet   $5.50