Perennial Vegetables

Perennial vegetables are vegetables that can live for more than two years. Some well known perennial vegetables from the temperate regions of the world include asparagus, artichoke and rhubarb.

Rhubarb - 162RW

Details   Rhubarb is is a rhizomatous perennial, really easy to grow from seed and is quite vigorous growing. The plants that this seed came from were themselves seed grown. Plants love well-rotted organic matter mulched around them. Sow seed in a seed raising in small pots and plant out once seedling are 10cm tall
Botanical name   Rheum x hybridum
Date Of Seed Harvest   seed refreshed yearly
Grower name   Richard Watson
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 3 in stock   Order
Skirret - 6RW

Skirret - 6RW

Details   Skirret is a perennial vegetable which dates back to Roman times. Related to carrots, it is the bunches of skinny white roots that is the edible portion. Doesn't like to be grown anywhere too dry and are slightly vulnerable to carrot fly. Roasted its a very tasty vegetable. Sow in spring time and treat the seedling like carrot seedlings by keeping them weed free and at a spacing of 20cm apart. Roots develop their full flavour during winter. Best grown as a annual.

Skirret seed is a difficult seed to germinate, the best method appears to be surface sowing in early winter outdoors in a area where the surface stays damp, by spring the small seedlings can be transferred to there garden bed, space out by 20cm x 20cm.
Botanical name   Sium sisarum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Wild Chicory - 134RW

Wild Chicory - 134RW

Details   The original seed was given to Richard as part of a seed order from the UK and was said to have been sourced from plants growing wild. A perennial member of the dandelion family Asteraceae. Ideal for salad leaves or roots which can be baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute. Seed extraction and processing is extremely difficult and time consuming which reflects in the price of this seed
Botanical name   Cichorium intybus
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   15
Price per packet   $5.50