Spice up your life with home grown herbs

Cultivating herbs in a home garden brings a host of benefits that extend beyond their aromatic and flavourful contributions to culinary delights.

The practice of growing herbs offers the convenience of having a readily available and cost-effective source of fresh, organic seasoning just steps away from the kitchen.

Herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary are not only culinary treasures but also possess various medicinal properties, adding a touch of holistic well-being to your home.

Moreover, herbs attract beneficial insects, promoting a natural balance in the garden ecosystem and reducing the need for pesticides.

From enhancing the taste of meals to promoting a healthier environment, incorporating herbs into a home garden is a rewarding and sustainable practice that encourages a deeper connection to the natural world right at your doorstep.

Alexander - 92RW

Alexander - 92RW

Details   Grows over one metre in height. Known for its edible young shoots, leaf stalks, stems, roots, flowers and seeds. This frost tolerate plant was cultivated for many centuries and was widely grown by the Romans who introduced it into western and central Europe including the British Isles.
Botanical name   Smyrnium olusatrum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   seed regrown each year
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Angelica - 286RS

Angelica - 286RS

Angelica archangelica is a biennial herb with medicinal properties. It is a member of the carrot family and prefers moist spots in the garden. It was used in Four Thieves vinegar during the plague and has a long history of use in Western herbal medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine and has a long Norse tradition. Its stems are candied and it is used to flavour food, in perfume, and as a digestive bitter. It has an affinity with the digestive system, women's hormone balance, immunity and it is considered a blood tonic and diuretic.

Botanical name   Angelica archangelica
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Anise Hyssop - 164NS

Anise Hyssop - 164NS

Details   Anise hyssop is a hardy perennial growing to nearly a meter, it is an attractive and aromatic plant that is great for attracting bees.
Botanical name   Agastache foeniculum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2020
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Only 8 in stock   Order
Baim of gilead - 294SPH

Baim of gilead - 294SPH

Details   Grows to around 1.5m tall and smells strongly of citronella and balsam. Can be made into a tea, Also grown for potpourri. Needs to be grown in sheltered location away from heavy frost, but should handle light frosts. Seed best sown late spring
Botanical name   Cedronella canariensis
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hilltrop
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Bloody sorrel - 236SPH

Bloody sorrel - 236SPH

Details   Otherwise known as Bloodwort, Red veined dock, Wood dock or Bloody Dock Primarily grown for its ornamental foliage. Best grown in fulls unto part shade in average to moist soil, can be grown as a marginal plant or in wet soil. Very low maintenance. Can be used as mulch and/or animal fodder.
Botanical name   Rumex Sanguineus
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hiltrop
Date Of Seed Harvest   Autumn 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Catnip - 132RG

Catnip - 132RG

Details   A pet cat's best plant, care is needed though as cats have been known to damage even full sized plants.
Botanical name   terpenoid nepetalactone
Contains at least   100
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Price per packet   $4.50
Chervil - 67RW

Chervil - 67RW

Details   Chervil herb is like parsley, with a subtle flavor enhanced by a hint of anise, widely used in French dishes
Botanical name   Anthriscus cerefolium
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2020
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Chives - Garlic - 3RW

Chives - Garlic - 3RW

Details   Both leaves, stalks and immature unopened flower buds can be used in salads or as flavouring
Botanical name   Allium tuberosum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Chives - Standard - 31RG

Chives - Standard - 31RG

Details   Perennial growing to 50cm. Grows in slowly spreading clumps. Plant has green, hollow, tubular leaves that have a mild onion flavour; used as a garnish, in sauces, dips, stews, casseroles, salads and soups. Can be grown in containers.
Botanical name   Allium schoenoprasum
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Coriander - 117NS

Coriander - 117NS

Details   To maintain a good supply of fresh coriander sow seeds every few weeks from spring right though until the end of autumn. Coriander does not like soil that is too dry and too warm

Coriander can be used for digestion problems including upset stomach, loss of appetite, hernia, nausea, diarrhea, bowel spasms, and intestinal gas. It is also used to treat measles, hemorrhoids, toothaches, worms, and joint pain, as well as infections caused by bacteria and fungus.
Botanical name   Coriandrum sativum
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2020
Storage Info   Seed stored in freezer
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Corn Salad - 68RW

Corn Salad - 68RW

Details   Winter hardy, edible leaf vegetable with a characteristic nutty flavor, dark green color, and soft texture, popularly served as salad greens.
Botanical name   Valerianella locusta
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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Curly Leaf Parsley - 88RW

Curly Leaf Parsley - 88RW

Details   Richard came across this strain in the garden of a long time gardener who used to let it self seed for over 30 years. What was notable was how thick and tightly curled the dark green leaves were.
Botanical name   Petroselinum crispum
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
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Dill - 217NS

Dill - 217NS

Details   Dill is a herb that is used in many European and Asian cuisine. The leaves have a sweet grassy flavour but its the seeds that are more aromatic with a slightly more citrus flavour similar to that of caraway seeds.
Botanical name   Anethum graveolens
Grower name   Nev and Sue Sinclair
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Elecampane - 59SPH

Elecampane - 59SPH

Details   Elacanpagne contains a large amount of prebiotic soluble fiber inulin, which supports a healthy intestinal tract, studies suggest inulin modifies the microbe balance and function in the gut. Elecampane grows best in part shade but will tolerate full sun in soils that are well drained. The plants can tolerate a range of soil types, from sand to clay, moist, semi fertile loam are ideal.
If sowing seed in the garden, plant them after all danger of frost has passed.
Botanical name   Inula helenium
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2025
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hilltrop
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Epazote - 154RW

Epazote - 154RW

Details   Epazote, once cultivated on a large scale as a medicinal herb, is now grown in few herb gardens. A roadside weed in much of North America and central and southern Europe, its herbal uses are barely recognized today outside its native Mexico and South America.
Various native peoples in the American and Mexican West today drink epazote tea or eat the plant to facilitate childbirth and ease painful menstruation as well as to expel worms and relieve gastrointestinal disorders (some of which might be brought on by the worms). Epazote leaves can be poulticed on arthritic joints, athlete’s foot, and insect bites.
Botanical name   Dysphania ambrosioides
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   100
Price per packet   $4.50
Evening Primrose - 70NS

Evening Primrose - 70NS

Details   Native to North America, this herb is now commonly found in many temperate zones around the world. It thrives in open dry areas. The roots can be eaten and oil can be extracted from the seeds which are rich in Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid. Omega-6 oils are one of the two "good" fats essential for health. Evening-primrose oil is being studied as a supplement for those who don't get enough omega-6 fat from their diet and also is showing some  promising results in reducing nerve damage caused by diabetes.
Botanical name   Oenothera biennis
Contains at least   50 seeds
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2021
Grower name   Nev&Sue Sinclair
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Price per packet   $4.50

Fennel - Bronze - 271CMK

Details   This is not a building fennel, the green/brown leaves are useful in soups,pickles,roasts,salads and many more culinary dishes. Easy to grow, great for the bees as well and looks pretty intermixed into a veggie garden or cottage garden setting
Botanical name   Foeniculum vulgare
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Fennel - Florence - 86RW

Fennel - Florence - 86RW

Details   Florence fennel is a cool-weather perennial grown as an annual for its swollen leaf bases and edible leaves. When using in salads, the flavour can be improved by slicing the bulb and putting it in a bowl of water and ice cubes in the fridge for an hour.
Botanical name   Foeniculum vulgare
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   40 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Fennel - Sweet/common - 239SPH

Fennel - Sweet/common - 239SPH

Details   Sweet or common fennel is part of the Apiaceae (umbellifers) family, along with carrot, dill, anise, parsley, parsnip, celery and angelica. These plants have umbrella shaped flowers and aromatic flavours and hollow stems. Many are medicinal herbs and attractors of predator insects to the garden. Most of the fennel plant can be used. Fennel has traditionally been used for digestive, endocrine, reproductive, lactation and respiratory systems.
Botanical name   Foeniculum vulgare
Date Of Seed Harvest   Autumn 2023
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hiltrop
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Lamb's Quarters - Magenta Spreen - 279RS

Lamb's Quarters - Magenta Spreen - 279RS

Details   Lamb's Quarters grows very quickly especially in protected areas or in green houses. Said to be very high in calcium and vitamin K and is eaten much you do with spinac.
Botanical name   Chenopodium album
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Lavender - Avonview - 116SS

Lavender - Avonview - 116SS

Details   Avonview is a popular small growing lavender, perfect for rockeries or patio containers. It can make a good low hedge. Thrives in open sunny positions in well drained soil. Trim after flowering in spring/summer to keep compact and to encourage new growth.  Frost hardy to -5*
Propagation: Sow seeds in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 14-21 days.

Botanical name   Lavandula stoechas
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
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Lovage - 165RG

Lovage - 165RG

Details   Lovage is a tall perennial plant that belongs to the same family as carrots. A very aromatic herb that's most often used for medicinal purposes. All parts of the plant can be used.
Botanical name   Levisticum officinale
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Lunara - Canon Went - SPH

Lunara - Canon Went - SPH

Details   A lovely old fashioned flower with pretty pink small snapdragon shaped flowers on a compact bush with slightly grey green leaves. Excellent cut flower. It is generally a short lived perennial, and self seed readily in a good spot. Once established can tolerate drought.
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hilltrop
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Mugwort - 26RS

Mugwort - 26RS

Details   Mugwort is a perennial herb with a long history and is part of the (daisy) family. Can grow to 2m tall and is highly valued by bees.
Botanical name   Artemesia vulgaris
Date Of Seed Harvest   2023
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Mullein- 250SPH

Mullein- 250SPH

Details   A medicinal plant often found on roadsides and gravelly river banks. It prefers poor, stony or gravelly dry soil. A member of the snapdragon family, this hardy biennial has greenish grey downy leaves . It grows in a rosette before throwing up a tall spike about 1 metre high with butter yellow flowers. Loved by bees this plant produces hundreds of seeds, similar to foxgloves. It is very high in nutrients and medicinal compounds, its main uses being respiratory.
Botanical name   Verbascum thapsus
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hilltrop
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Parsley - Italian or flat leaf - 72RW

Parsley - Italian or flat leaf - 72RW

Details   This seed is harvested from wild plants that grow just above the high tide mark south of Kaikoura.
Botanical name   Petroselinum crispum
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   seed renewed yearly
Contains at least   approx 50
Price per packet   $4.50
Rosemary Rosy - 370CMK

Rosemary Rosy - 370CMK

Details   This aromatic evergreen rosemary is a upright variety, to keep it to the desired size just give it a light prune. Rosemary can be used fresh, dried or frozen, thrives in full sun.
Botanical name   Rosmarinus officinalis
Grower name   Carla McKnight
Contains at least   30+ seeds
Price per packet   $4.50


Details   The bright crimson stigma called threads, are collected and dried for use as a seasoning as well as adding colour to dishes. Contains 30 near full sized corms plus a few extra smaller corms. Hit the watch tab that way you will be sent an email informing bulbs are now available, which is normally mid summer. Due to a poor growing season remaining stock will be left in the ground till 2025
Botanical name   Crocus sativus
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Price per packet   $35.50
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Sage - Turkish - 262SPH

Sage - Turkish - 262SPH

Details   Evergreen perennial. Tall and sturdy, multi tiered flower stems with whirls of butter yellow flowers in summer. Flower heads dry to brown to add much needed structure and interest to the winter garden. Plant has large heart shaped leaves. Makes an excellent ground cover, is hardy and can tolerate most soil types and dryness.
Botanical name   Phlomis Russeliana
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hiltrop
Date Of Seed Harvest   Autumn 2023
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Spilanthes - 71RW

Spilanthes - 71RW

Details   Spilanthes is also known as toothache plant, buzz buttons or electric daisy because of its antiseptic properties. Eating a fresh young flower head from this daisy is a truly amazing taste bud sensation. It makes your mouth tingle and has a sialagogic effect, which means it encourages salivary flow. Given it is an annual native to the tropics care is needed against frost. Flowers from Dec through to winter.
Botanical name   Acmella oleracea
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Storage Info   Seed stock refreshed yearly
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
St John's wort - 281RS

St John's wort - 281RS

Details   St. John;s wort is a that people may use to help reduce symptoms of depression, menopause, and certain skin conditions and is thought to have antibacterial properties and may act as an antiviral agent. grows in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade, but can be invasive via its creeping rhizome root system.
Botanical name   Hypericum perforatum
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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St Mary's Thistle - 146RG

St Mary's Thistle - 146RG

Details   St Mary’s Thistle is a highly regarded liver protectant that also restores the liver’s ability to detoxify harmful substances. Can be grown as a decorative plant but can be regarded as a pest,
Botanical name   Silybum marianum
Grower name   Rick Ginders
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $5.50
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Sweet Annie - 273RS

Sweet Annie - 273RS

Details   Sweet Annie can also be known as sweet wormwood or qinghao. It is native to China and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries. The dried leaves of sweet Annie contains flavonoids, essential oils, and artemisinin and can be used for malaria treatments. Sow seed in trays and plant out after the last spring frost
Botanical name   Artemisia annua
Grower name   Rachael Stott
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
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Valerian - 56SPH

Valerian - 56SPH

Details   Valerian is a medicinal perennial flowering herb, native to Asia and parts of Europe.
It produces umbrella shaped flowers of pure white borne on tall hollow stems with thick fern like foliage. Valerian has been used medicinally for centuries by many different cultures as a sedative and nervous system relaxant. Harvest roots in the winter during dormancy. Grows naturally in damp grasslands but can tolerate a wide range of soils. Flowers in late spring early summer.
Botanical name   Valeriana officinalis
Date Of Seed Harvest   2023
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hilltrop
Storage Info   seed in herb bag
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Yarrow - Terractta - 238SPH

Yarrow - Terractta - 238SPH

Details   Terracotta orange coloured, aromatic flowers and fern like foilage. Flowers in mid summer to autumn over a long period, stems grow tall and dry standing. Plant is very drought tolerant and spreads to make a nice ground cover. Yarrow is aromatic, medicinal, attracts beneficial insects and makes an excellent cut flower. Yarrow is also a compost activator and an asset to any permaculture garden.
Botanical name   Achillea Millefolium
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Grower name   Sara Pepers-Hilltrop
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
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