broadbean - Medbury grex - 38RW

broadbean - Medbury grex - 38RW

broadbean - Medbury grex - 38RW

Details   This tall line of broad bean can withstand heavy winter frosts as low as -10deg here in the Amuri basin when plants are young, but equally handles the heat as well, will grow mostly unsupported up to 1.5m tall. In colder parts of the South Island and Inland North Island you dont want to sow broad beans between March and early May. If plants are over 10cm tall, heavy frosts will damage or kill them. Plants under this size handle frosts well.
Botanical name   Vicia faba
Date Of Seed Harvest   seed regrown yearly
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Contains at least   approx 30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order