Onion - Brown mass grex cross - 36RW

Onion - Brown mass grex cross - 36RW

Onion - Brown mass grex cross - 36RW

Details   This is a cross between Pukekoke Long Keeper and Mammoth Improved onion carried out in 2023-24. Second stage of this breeding project will see sowing of this first cross along side original Pukekoke Long Keeper and Mammoth Improved seed to insure good genetic mixing. The idea of this cross was to mix the keep ability of the Pukekoke Long Keeper and the production of the Mammoth Improved.

When growing seed from this early cross expect diversity in type.

The following cultivars were sown late winter for the 2024/25 growing season, these will be added to this genetic mass pollination
New York Early, Fehmel Steig, Franzisco, Maria Nagy's Transylvanian Yellow, Newburg, Sweet Spanish Golorade, Texas Early Grano, Australian Brown, Yellow of Purma, Cipollini, Walla Walla, Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish, Ailsa Craig.
Botanical name   Allium cepa
Grower name   Richard Paul Watson
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   100
Price per packet   $4.50